
Full Version: How to get heading data?
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I have a rasbian install so I cloned openplotter and ran

I don't want to use the wifi access point so I didn't enable it.

It connected to the gyros, and I added gps via network gpsd.

Now I tried telnet to 10111 and my connection refused.  How can I get the heading data out into nmea or signalk?
TCP 10111 is being used by signalk NMEA 0183 output in openplotter

You should generate NMEA 0183 heading data and send it to UDP 10110 which is the default system input for kplex. Signal K will read kplex multiplexed output from default system output TCP 10110. That's for openplotter v0.8.0, for openplotter v0.9.0alpha you should generate directly signalk data and send it to UDP 55557.

Let me know if you need more info. Are you running openplotter code on a fresh raspbian? Here are dependencies:
I have a similar question. I am running v0.8 and all appears to be working on my RPi 3. Question is how to configure the multiplexer to send the multiplexed '183 data - via the Openplotter AP - to another client (say, iPad or laptop) running on the same network? Do I need to add an additional TCP output to specify an IP address, say, It would seem that the output that is automatically added at install is localhost only, and would work for the RPI but not across the network? Thanks, and really appreciate the fine work in Openplotter!
(2016-11-07, 05:36 PM)Tigress Wrote: [ -> ]I have a similar question. I am running v0.8 and all appears to be working on my RPi 3. Question is how to configure the multiplexer to send the multiplexed '183 data - via the Openplotter AP -  to another client (say, iPad or laptop) running on the same network? Do I need to add ahhn additional TCP output to specify an IP address, say, It would seem that the output that is automatically added at install is localhost only, and would work for the RPI but not across the network? Thanks, and really appreciate the fine work in Openplotter!

If your device and openplotter are logged onto the same network then have a look on the right hand side of the access point tab, there are other ip addresses  there you can use. Mine is