General discussion
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- electronic sailing saga (4 Replies)
- Reading data from Tinypilot Uart (3 Replies)
- Cannot reboot Pi - pypilot.service stuck (15 Replies)
- weathersensors with bmp180 (0 Replies)
- From-scratch build for wheel steering (hardware) (33 Replies)
- IMU what information uses pypilot (5 Replies)
- Board Design CM4 boat IO module (0 Replies)
- Wind data to PyPilot (0 Replies)
- strange behaivour (32 Replies)
- PyPilot PI and arduino nano communication (3 Replies)
- Problem after Signal K update geting Tinypilot connected (14 Replies)
- vnh5019 output voltage Issue (32 Replies)
- Bad Compass (20 Replies)
- PyPilot Electronic-Compass Enclosure (0 Replies)
- PyPilot Cetec Benmar (8 Replies)
- Windvane weather sensors with display virtual serial port connectivity (28 Replies)
- Pypilot motor controller (15 Replies)
- pypilot plugin connection problem with V0.22 (10 Replies)
- On pypilot-provided heading information (3 Replies)
- Is this motor suitable ... (5 Replies)