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- OP0.9 Update instructions please (10 Replies)
- How do I get water temp into Node-red? (4 Replies)
- Signal K, instrument panel, browser plugin - getting started (10 Replies)
- Node Red remote (2 Replies)
- Voyage Data Recording (4 Replies)
- Garmin GPS18x USB SOLVED (1 Reply)
- The battery voltage detected with ADS1115 is not in Volt ? (2 Replies)
- NodeRed (1 Reply)
- Physical connection N2k (1 Reply)
- Calibrate ds18b20 temp sensors? (6 Replies)
- Signal K stream not appearing in UDP etc.. & Node red (1 Reply)
- Link OP with my Fuel Sender script ? (0 Replies)
- PNG to KAP for use with OpenCPN (1 Reply)
- AIS reception not working properly (0 Replies)
- Generate custom NMEA0183 sentence in v0.8 (3 Replies)
- Calibration IMU MPU-9250 on openplotter 0.9.0 (0 Replies)
- ADS1115 Configuration file (0 Replies)
- AIS Output? (2 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Signal k instrumentpanel it is not visible (6 Replies)
- [SOLVED]OpenPlotter Not Found On Boot (2 Replies)