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- ver 3.x I2C connections. (19 Replies)
- Open Plotter on Raspberry PI 5 (11 Replies)
- Logging automatic bilge pump run times (4 Replies)
- File Stream - NMEA200 (canboat) greyed (1 Reply)
- Openplotter Hostname (3 Replies)
- Open plotter on RPi5 NVMe card (2 Replies)
- Reset password and username for Grafana (1 Reply)
- WiFi lost (4 Replies)
- Switching OP3 to headless (15 Replies)
- SD Card, size, boot sector and file storage imager partition (3 Replies)
- SignalK and SSD1306 OLED (1 Reply)
- OpenPlotter data to Python (17 Replies)
- Issues running OpenPlotter on Debian 12 Bookworm (3 Replies)
- Control Raymarine autopilot from OpenPlotter (14 Replies)
- Maiana stopped (0 Replies)
- Adding New I2C -Adafruit VCNL4020 (15 Replies)
- Display TTG in KIP (18 Replies)
- Touch screen : how to emulate a right click (2 Replies)
- From ikommunicate to Signal K (0 Replies)
- Simple AIS filter (0 Replies)