I cannot get the OpenCPN AIS CPA alarm sound alerts to work. I go to Tools>Options>Ships>AIS Targets then Select Alert Sound and then Test Alert Sound and I hear nothing. I've asked a couple of questions on the OpenCPN forum but am getting nowhere.
Can anyone verify that they do get a sound when they do the above? I've really appreciate it. I am using an external USB speaker and have tried HDMI out put too but nothing. Every other function or application that creates a sound works perfectly, except OpenCPN.
OP 0.17.1, OCPN 4.8.4
tested and it plays sound "bells" bluetooth speaker ..but when i try to change sound file opcpn crashes..as soon as i push select alert sound.
OP 0.17.1,OCPN 4.8.2
i upgraded to stretch so i cant update op or opcpn that could be my problem..
(2018-05-14, 11:35 AM)jim321 Wrote: [ -> ]tested and it plays sound "bells" bluetooth speaker ..but when i try to change sound file opcpn crashes..as soon as i push select alert sound.
OP 0.17.1,OCPN 4.8.2
i upgraded to stretch so i cant update op or opcpn that could be my problem..
Thanks Jim, still struggling here
i am reinstalling now to 0.17.1 and will test again when its done..i dont have usb speaker but will test with bluetooth using usb dongle
(2018-05-14, 01:33 PM)jim321 Wrote: [ -> ]i am reinstalling now to 0.17.1 and will test again when its done..i dont have usb speaker but will test with bluetooth using usb dongle
Thank you Jim. Did you do any reconfiguration to use the bluetooth speaker rather than the onboard audio jack?
i wanted the onboard uart from the bluetooth chip freed up, so i disabled it in config and use a usb dongle instead .
it worked on the onboard bluetooth before i changed it with no problems.
ok tested again and it works for me..
(2018-05-14, 08:14 PM)jim321 Wrote: [ -> ]ok tested again and it works for me..
Thank again Jim. I am clearly going to have to abandon my current USB speaker arrangement.
(2018-05-14, 08:14 PM)jim321 Wrote: [ -> ]ok tested again and it works for me..
Could you possibly post the output showing the sound file details?
aplay mysoundfile.wav - v
Sent from my SM-T813 using Tapatalk
(2018-05-15, 09:33 AM)PaddyB Wrote: [ -> ] (2018-05-14, 08:14 PM)jim321 Wrote: [ -> ]ok tested again and it works for me..
Could you possibly post the output showing the sound file details?
aplay mysoundfile.wav - v
Sent from my SM-T813 using Tapatalk
i dont understand but the files are in /usr/share/opencpn/sounds/2bells.wav