
Full Version: GPS works in OpenCpn but not OpenPlotter NMEA 0183 Multiplexer
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I recieved my GPS dongle from Sailoog and spent a few min trying to get it working.
  • Created seriel connection in theĀ OpenPlotter NMEA 0183 tab.
  • Checked the NMEA inspector to see if anything was popping up.
    - Got a whole bunch of information in the top window- After about 20min it updated the correct time but still nothing under Lat and Long information
  • Opencpn was listening to the network connection created by the multiplexer, but was not getting any info from the GPS.
  • After giving the GPS an hour I then created a serial connection in Opencpn to see if I could get it working that way, and it works fine, picks up the gps and plots my position in opencpn.
I dare say this is not the desired way to use the system as I would not be able to access the gps data through the network port created by the multiplexer.

Please advise,

N Dekker
My advise would be, try again. If Opencpn is getting position data, NMEA multiplexer should get data too. Delete the serial connection in Opencpn and create it on NMEA multiplexer again. If you have already obtained position, that will be a 'hot start' and you should get position in Inspector after few seconds with a clear view of sky. With no errors in debug mode I think it could be a coincidence between your two tests.

If you are starting a GPS for the first time, or after it has been powered off for more than a few weeks, this is a 'cold start'; it needs to get a new satellite almanac to do its job. The satellites broadcast this information very slowly (at 50bps) on a fixed schedule, and it can take up to 20 minutes.