
Full Version: getting usb-gps and usb-ais running
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Hi everybody,

I'm currently setting openplotter on a raspberry pi to have all data and charts in one place on board.
So we are talking about a raspbery pi 3b+ and openplotter 1.2 after a automatic update.

First I've put the openplotter noobs on a sd and started the pi (the manual guided me wrong here, purchased a SD as statet, but needed a microSD). OP installed and everything was fine.
Then I made an internet connection over ethernet, worked like a charm.
Only thing was, that it took me a day to find the information, that only vnc is supported any more and that RDP is dropped out.
## Looks like there are at least two documentation out on the net - one old and not valid and one new with almost no content. ##
## Is there a third source to get up to date instructions? ##
I installed some charts from Osenc with the fingerprint file - that worked great.

Than I did the update on 1.2. After that, in opencpn the path to my charts was lost, the plugins disabled and the network connection was gone. After getting the osenc plugin back to work, the fingerprintfile isn't gecognized any more. Well, looks like some minor problem here.

My real problem starts when connecting my usb mouse and my ais over usb. I connect both with an active usb-hub which has its own power supply. The hub is than plugged into the pi. So enough amps should be there. Checked the gps on my PC - works fine. The ais (qk-a024) works too.
And it happens: nothing.
I can not see the ports anywhere. Not in openplotter in the serial tab. Not in Signal K and not in Kplex.
I learned that the old manual isnt valid here any more and lot has changed. Unfortunatly the new manual has just blank sites when it comes to the connections. Tried it now for a week and I run out of ideas.

Can anybody explain to me the process of adding a new USB-device with serial NMEA-data to openplotter. As being total new to the whole thing, I detail instruction would be great.

Thank you in advance.

i went thru 3 usb hubs before i finally broke down and bought a good one..
now ais and high power wifi,external sata drive all work together
Hi Jim,

thank you fot your reply.

So you think its a not strong enough power on my hub.
That might be the solution.

Is there any way to confirm, that this is the problem bevore I invest 90 $ in a new hub?
I’m now working with a 3b+. On my 3b I had been using a cheap hub for a usb gps, and usb AIS and wireless mouse. I also fried my first 3b+ including IMU and micro SDcard, a few weeks ago, after it was splashed through an open port in the Thames Estuary. I’d been using it as a cable feed to test a homemade AIS aerial.
I’ve now stopped using the hub and am using the 3b+ USB ports including gps, sdr radio (AIS), a secondary wireless usb and Osenc charts and an IMU, without any indication YET of a current draw problem. I’ve not used the AIS at sea yet. I have however tried the Gqrx radio (the processor useage goes up close to 100%) without any indication of current draw issues so far. I’m also pleased with RealVNC which I use with my iPad Air.
I must stress that I’m still on a learning curve so my expertise is not very advanced.
Hi Jonnysails,

So in your experience there should be no issue with my power.

That corrosponds with the fact that my ais is powering up and builts its own wifi fine.

But what causes my problem, that my usb-devices do not show up?
Or lets ask it in a different way: where should I see my devices? From what I read they should be automaticly detected when booting and muss be on the kplex tab in openplotter. Is that right? Or is there anything I have to configure?
(2018-10-22, 06:42 PM) Wrote: [ -> ]Hi everybody,

I'm currently setting openplotter on a raspberry pi to have all data and charts in one place on board.
So we are talking about a raspbery pi 3b+ and openplotter 1.2 after a automatic update.

First I've put the openplotter noobs on a sd and started the pi (the manual guided me wrong here, purchased a SD as statet, but needed a microSD). OP installed and everything was fine.
Then I made an internet connection over ethernet, worked like a charm.
Only thing was, that it took me a day to find the information, that only vnc is supported any more and that RDP is dropped out.
## Looks like there are at least two documentation out on the net - one old and not valid and one new with almost no content. ##
## Is there a third source to get up to date instructions? ##
I installed some charts from Osenc with the fingerprint file - that worked great.

Than I did the update on 1.2. After that, in opencpn the path to my charts was lost, the plugins disabled and the network connection was gone. After getting the osenc plugin back to work, the fingerprintfile isn't gecognized any more. Well, looks like some minor problem here.

My real problem starts when connecting my usb mouse and my ais over usb. I connect both with an active usb-hub which has its own power supply. The hub is than plugged into the pi. So enough amps should be there. Checked the gps on my PC - works fine. The ais (qk-a024) works too.
And it happens: nothing.
I can not see the ports anywhere. Not in openplotter in the serial tab. Not in Signal K and not in Kplex.
I learned that the old manual isnt valid here any more and lot has changed. Unfortunatly the new manual has just blank sites when it comes to the connections. Tried it now for a week and I run out of ideas.

Can anybody explain to me the process of adding a new USB-device with serial NMEA-data to openplotter. As being total new to the whole thing, I detail instruction would be great.

Thank you in advance.

Hello Michael,

I've made similar experiences with Openplotter and found following solutions:

1st: The OeSENC-Plugin has an issue! If activated, after shutdown and new start of Openplotter it resets to all defaults! Everything you saved before is lost. The only workaround yet is not using the OeSENC-Plugin! Get the charts manually and put them into charts-folder.

2nd: For the USB-devices use an active hub with external current providing (not a china-product, they are unreliable!).
Start Openplotter/Menu => Installing GPSD. Here set the "false" options to "true", and devices= "ttyUSB0", as well a new line with devices= "ttyAMA0". The 0 means Zero!

3rd: Get the GPSD-Clients by opening console and type: sudo apt-get install gpsd-clients. When done restart the PI and open a console again, type: cgps
Now should occur a monitor, and if everything has gone well, data will appear in the window. At the top of the monitor you will see the address and port of the USB-device.

Start Opencpn, connections, and add new. Set Option on GPSD and put in localhost, next line the port. Save this, and start the PI new.

When started, run the Auto Setup again.

Hope, this will work for you.

Best Regards,


@Werner:thank you for your infos.

@all. problem solved

@all newbies like me:

maybe my learning curve can help anybody who is new and not much into the rasberian thing - like me.
Before you start have look at the new dataflow diagram of OP 1.x.x:

1. First thing I did is getting me a new USB-Hub. I connected everything.

2. Then I browsed the net and found the simple rasberian-command: lsusb -v
When you are in the main screen of rasberian and go to the "old saspi-config, you open it and open a new window.
Now you have a command line and can type in lsusb -v
Now you get a list of all usb-devices connected - internal and external. There you must find your hub and your hooked up devices. 

3. If your devices are there, you can close the window and get back to openplotter. There you find several tabs:
- Serial: here you should now find your usb devices. And now its time to make them detachable for openplotter. Klick on the line with the device, give it a name as an identifier AND assign it to Kplex. Now set the right Baud rate and your done. Hit apply.
- kplex: here I found my devices I assigned to kplex. With the diagnostic button you can see, what data comes through.

4. In opencpn you should already find the localhost:10110 under Connnections. If not, add it.

My problem was, that I did not find out how to add my devices in openplotter in the serial tab AND that I had to assign them to kplex!
Easy thing after you know it, but if you dont know.......


Hi Michael
Was about to reply so really pleased you’ve got it sorted. One thing I would suggest is to make an image of your micro sd card. I use a 16 gig card which doesn’t take up to much memory on my pc hard drive.
(2018-10-23, 11:15 PM)Johnnysails Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Michael
Was about to reply so really pleased you’ve got it sorted. One thing I would suggest is to make an image of your micro sd card. I use a 16 gig card which doesn’t take up to much memory on my pc hard drive.

Will do that right now! 
