
Full Version: BME280 Temperature
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I'm playing with a web based dashboard, built on to a LAMPĀ  setup on the PI, which interfaces with the Signal K websockets happily.
So I have my data available via a nice Bootstrap interface and am able to provide that to the whole boat.

Started hooking up some sensors - started with the above BME280, which is going via signal k and showing up in the web socket.

My question is that the data is a bit off as far as temp goes, the pressure is right (I have adjusted to millibars from pascal), but the temp is showing as in the hundreds.

Its about 296, and when i place a finger over the board it goes up and down appropriately so I know its working.

Am I missing something? is the data stream in a specific format, it can't be 29 degrees in my living room where I am testing!

EDIT ** Is it in Kelvin?
Yes it is Kelvin.