2019-02-06, 05:50 PM
Hi, Im trying to install open plotter on a different OS im building (raspbian based)
I tried to launch the python script and see where it crash untill I meet all the dependency.
it given me the following install procedure:
This done, My problem it that it use his own install of signalk(and other tools). But I already have a global install of it.
Is there a way to ask openplotter to interact with the global install instead of his own.
Or to disable the management of signalk if I prefer to use my own. ?
I tried to launch the python script and see where it crash untill I meet all the dependency.
it given me the following install procedure:
### packages ###
sudo apt-get install -yy python-wxtools python-requests python-pyudev python-gammu python-pip python-twython x11vnc sudo whois python-w1thermsensor python-websocket python-dateutil python-nmea2 python-spydev python-smbus;
sudo pip install paho-mqtt geomag ;
sudo apt-get install -yy hostapd # I think this is optional
### pypilot ###
sudo apt install -yy python-gps python-serial libpython-dev python-numpy python-scipy swig python-opengl python-pip wiringpi
sudo pip install ujson
git clone https://github.com/seandepagnier/RTIMULib2
cd RTIMULib2/Linux/python
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
mkdir ~/.pypilot
echo '{"host": "localhost"}' > ~/.pypilot/signalk.conf
### kplex ###
wget http://www.stripydog.com/download/kplex_1.4-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i kplex_1.4-1_armhf.deb
touch /home/pi/.kplex.conf
### openplotter ###
git clone https://github.com/sailoog/openplotter.git ;
cd openplotter ;
mkdir -p /home/pi/.config/openplotter ;
cp -r ./* /home/pi/.config/openplotter/ ;
cd /home/pi/.config/
git clone https://github.com/SignalK/signalk-server-node.git
cd signalk-server-node
npm install
cd /home/pi/.config/openplotter/ ;
python startup && python openplotter
This done, My problem it that it use his own install of signalk(and other tools). But I already have a global install of it.
Is there a way to ask openplotter to interact with the global install instead of his own.
Or to disable the management of signalk if I prefer to use my own. ?