
Full Version: Update problem on RPi 3+
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With an image install the disk partition is probably not completely fill the SD. After installing enlarge the partition. Can easily be done with gparted.
Move the slider till the end and then click on the "do" icon.

If you have no gparted. Simply install it with sudo apt install gparted. Start it in the terminal with sudo gparted.

Bram, your earlier suggestion worked for getting OP 1.2 installed, but I simply cannot get Moitessier HAT updated. I simply cannot find a package to match the Raspian kernel.
Dear Trevor,

I don't have a Moittisier Hat. I cannot not comment on your question. I am using an AIS Transponder.


I am having a similar problem. I started with a fresh image install on 1.0.0 and have been unable to successfully update. I tried doing the GParted partition expansion and the update still fails. I get an error I will post up at the end of the update related to Python updates, but not sure why that is a problem.

I am doing this headless so when I reboot the Pi the internet doesn't come back so I can no longer connect, and need to start from a clean install. I've tried this about 6 times already and always get the same issue.
(2019-03-26, 12:49 AM)felizcortez Wrote: [ -> ]I am having a similar problem.  I started with a fresh image install on 1.0.0 and have been unable to successfully update.  I tried doing the GParted partition expansion and the update still fails.  I get an error I will post up at the end of the update related to Python updates, but not sure why that is a problem.  

I am doing this headless so when I reboot the Pi the internet doesn't come back so I can no longer connect, and need to start from a clean install.  I've tried this about 6 times already and always get the same issue.

If you haven't given up upgrading yet, you could try this , before running the upgrade open a terminal and paste this in then hit return >

sudo apt-mark hold hostapd

There have been problems with hostapd, might work Smile 
I had the hostapd problem whilst doing a clean refresh. I managed to accidentally solve it by plugging in a WiFi dongle to the Pi and upgrading V1-V1.2 using that and not the onboard WiFi Card.

Hope this is of some use?
(2019-03-26, 11:51 AM)AliceJ21 Wrote: [ -> ]I had the hostapd problem whilst doing a clean refresh. I managed to accidentally solve it by plugging in a WiFi dongle to the Pi and upgrading V1-V1.2 using that and not the onboard WiFi Card.

Hope this is of some use?

I will give that a try. I still had an SD card withe the 1.2 upgrade that I had messed some other stuff up on :-) so I gave up on a fresh upgrade. My only upgrade source is my phone hot spot, or I would try an ethernet connection and not have to change from the original network settings to "client" mode, which has been the only way I could get wifi to work. Maybe that would take care of the hostapd issue.
Hostapd issue is solved. Update from V1.0 to V1.2 should work.
If you are on V1.2 and you want the latest hostapd, edit openplotter.conf to V1.1 and update.
(2019-03-26, 10:42 AM)PaddyB Wrote: [ -> ]
(2019-03-26, 12:49 AM)felizcortez Wrote: [ -> ]I am having a similar problem.  I started with a fresh image install on 1.0.0 and have been unable to successfully update.  I tried doing the GParted partition expansion and the update still fails.  I get an error I will post up at the end of the update related to Python updates, but not sure why that is a problem.  

I am doing this headless so when I reboot the Pi the internet doesn't come back so I can no longer connect, and need to start from a clean install.  I've tried this about 6 times already and always get the same issue.

If you haven't given up upgrading yet, you could try this , before running the upgrade open a terminal and paste this in then hit return >

sudo apt-mark hold hostapd

There have been problems with hostapd, might work Smile 

sudo apt-mark hold hostapd  worked for me. Upgrade went fine.
I'm holding off further attempts until Version 2.0 and the proposed dongle for oe-senc charts are available, as I only have one chart download remaining. Thanks to everybody for their efforts at solving the problem though.
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