
Full Version: Changes to RTIMULib2 Library
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First of all I wish to congratulate Sailoog on an excellent sailing system.  I currently have OP (Noobs v.80) runnning on a RPI2 with a Lowrance GPS Depth Sounder via usb/serial nmea and also a GY-88 IMU connected via i2c.  This imu consists of an mpu-6050 ( which is detected as mpu-9150 ), and a HMC5883L 3-axis magnetometer which is not detected.  I have seen that the RTIMULib2 library can be used to accept the HMC5883 but I have no idea how to install it.  Could someone give me a little help getting this mag working?
You don't have to install anything, the imu should be detected.
Have you tried to press the reset button?
are you sure it is not detected?
what can you see in calibration window?
Thanks for the quick response. Yes the imu is being detected.  It is just the mag values which are not being detected.  I hope these attached pics can show you what I have going on and hopefully how to get the compass working.
Almost the same question here: I want to buy adafruits 10DOF IMU Breakout L3GD20H + LSM303 + BMP180 Board, as it contains all sensors except humidity.
Will that work out off the box?
I believe that the adafruit imu should work.  I'm sure you have seen the imu compatible list.  The componenets for my GY-88 are listed too but I am confused about the MPU-6050 plus HMC5883.  The 2nd and 3rd entries below seem to contradict each other.

Supported IMU sensors

InvenSense MPU-9150 single chip IMU.
InvenSense MPU-6050 plus HMC5883 magnetometer on MPU-6050's aux bus (handled by the MPU-9150 driver).
InvenSense MPU-6050 gyros + acclerometers. Treated as MPU-9150 without magnetometers.
InvenSense MPU-9250 single chip IMU (I2C and SPI).
STM LSM9DS0 single chip IMU.
STM LSM9DS1 single chip IMU.
L3GD20H + LSM303D (optionally with the LPS25H) as used on the Pololu AltIMU-10 v4.
L3GD20 + LSM303DLHC as used on the Adafruit 9-dof (older version with GD20 gyro) IMU.
L3GD20H + LSM303DLHC (optionally with BMP180) as used on the new Adafruit 10-dof IMU.
Bosch BMX055 (although magnetometer support is experimental currently).
Bosch BNO055 IMU with onchip fusion. Note: will not work reliably with RaspberryPi/Pi2 due to clock-stretching issues. 

One interesting discovery with the GY-88 was that although the mag values do not appear in the calibration window, NMEA data stream shows a compass bearing as coming from the IMU.
Today I swapped out the gy-88 for a gy-86 that I suspect I overloaded by connecting the i2c directly to an arduino mega. ( note to myself - use a level shifter ) Surprisingly Openplotter detected all the imu components and it worked well for about 15 minutes then failed.  I have ordered another gy-86 and will report my findings.
Thanks Pizzanova. I confirm adafruit IMUs will work.