
Full Version: nmea0183-signalk-n2k How?
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How do I get converted nmea0183 data out on the can-bus via Actisense NGT-1?
I see the sentenses get converted to signalk but then?
I need sentences like RMB, XTE, APB (sent from ocpn) out on can-bus.
I have installed signalk-nmea200 plugin but I don't understand how to convert the information I need.
Have tried with both OP 1.2 and 2.x but the problem is still unsolved.
Pär W
- Send RMB, XTE, APB sentences from opencpn to Signal k by an UDP out connection. Add a filter to this connection to send only these sentences.
- Add a filter to the TCP 10110 opencpn input connection to block these sentences because signal k will send them back to opencpn.
- Create the UDP connection in signal k server
- Open the PNGs corresponding to these NMEA 0183 sentences in your NGT-1 device using the actinsense app or the openplotter app.
- Configure the signlak-NMEA2000 plugin to send those PNGs
- Configure your device in openplotter 1.2 or 2.0
(2019-11-20, 12:15 PM)Sailoog Wrote: [ -> ]- Send RMB, XTE, APB sentences from opencpn to Signal k by an UDP out connection. Add a filter to this connection to send only these sentences.
- Add a filter to the TCP 10110 opencpn input connection to block these sentences because signal k will send them back to opencpn.
- Create the UDP connection in signal k server
- Open the PNGs corresponding to these NMEA 0183 sentences in your NGT-1 device using the actinsense app or the openplotter app.
- Configure the signlak-NMEA2000 plugin to send those PNGs
- Configure your device in openplotter 1.2 or 2.0

Thanks for fast answer! I do everything right except the second last point. As far as I can see there aren't even options in signak-nmea2000 to convert apb, rmb and xte. That's what really puzzles me! But I still regard myself as a newbie so I may well be missing something here...
Pär W
I am not the foremost expert on the subject, but I think there are no generic autopilot PGNs like APB in NMEA2000. This is why the plugin to convert data to N2K doesn't have anything for you.

In the app store there is a plugin that allows you to control a Raymarine autopilot, but that just allows you to do stuff you can on the autopilot control panel/remote:

I guess you could create a system where the autopilot control plugin would control the autopilot to simply steer to APB's "heading to steer to destination", but I am not aware of something already doing that.