
Full Version: Grafana and dashboards - show me your sexy stuff! :-D
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Looking for inspiration on how and what data to configure, as well as how to lay it all out beautifully. Another question on the same topic - how do you view the data you generate. Do you integrate it in Node Red, or do you keep different tabs for different views/info. Please share - what's best practice here?
Hello, in previous versions of openplotter I already had Grafana, and Influxdb, installed, to save the engine temperature data in the database and not lose them, and be able to analyze the data in search of future breakdowns.

What I have discovered, which can be done, is to include the dashboards that are created in Grafana in node-red, so it is not necessary to open Grafana to see the dashboard.

You can also create a Dashboard in Grafana to view the data from this program. I'm at the point of seeing which is the best option.

What is good is being able to data, in a database, with InfluxDB. What I am not clear about is what the data can occupy, or if there is a limitation, deleting data from time to time.
