
Full Version: Connecting VNC Viewer, Help Please
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Hello all

I have my RBi4 up and running, with a fresh NOOBs install, updated, with a original Motisa Hat installed as well.
I have the WiFi on Pi working, and i can connect my windows PC to it, but using the instructions for the ip address i keep get timed out trying to connect  VNC viewer to the Pi from my PC , i imagine im doing something silly or its something simple, but could someone help a Newb out?
Just let me know what info you need from me.

Dumb suggestion, but I have to ask: Did you enable VNC server in the Raspberry Pi settings? Headless image has it on by default but I think the other one is off.
Hi Cyric,

Are you in the same IP Network? sound for me like you using the WIFI Acess Point Network...

Please make a 
ip addr

on the CLI and post it to be sure.


Latest Openplotter lets the Pi take care of the network now, it seems to default to for a hotspot
(2024-10-09, 02:00 PM)PaddyB Wrote: [ -> ]Try

Latest Openplotter lets the Pi take care of the network now, it seems to default to for a hotspot

The OPs post is dated from 2020 so I am not sure that giving an answer based on the 2024 version of OpenPlotter is going to be much help however I am always happy to be amazed.
(2024-10-10, 04:40 PM)baltika_no_9 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2024-10-09, 02:00 PM)PaddyB Wrote: [ -> ]Try

Latest Openplotter lets the Pi take care of the network now, it seems to default to for a hotspot

The OPs post is dated from 2020 so I am not sure that giving an answer based on the 2024 version of OpenPlotter is going to be much help however I am always happy to be amazed.

Ah, zombie thread, didn't notice.  Smile 
 Though not much point posting anything for obsolete software.