
Full Version: [CLOSED] Major Issue : console disappear
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Randomly the console (screen, keyboard and mouse) disappears, the screen displays "no signal", the only possibility I am left with is to connect to the AP to reboot properly the machine !

Did someone had the same issue?

This bug prevents me to use OP2 at sea !!!

I am using the following img : 2020-03-24-OpenPlotter-v2-Starting-img on a Pi4-4GB

Terminal answer to ths command openplotter :
     pi@Openplotter:~ $ openplotter
     bash: openplotter : commande introuvable
I do not understand.
what the "the console (screen, keyboard and mouse)" means?
your monitor gets blank?
Yes, screen displays : "no signal", and that's it !
Thanks to on/off buton on the Argon case I can force a reboot, or, alternately when i'm lucky, open a new console with VNC on a phone or tablet to force a reboot ...
In that case I can see that OpenCPN is still alive, and we know weird things happen when the machine is rebooted while openCPN is running ...
All this is a drawback to usual OP reliability  and excellent stability...
It seems the HDMI is quite sensitive to power condition.
I used a 3A 5V supply, I changed it for a TOBSUN module 12/24VDC to 5V 5A, 25 W, and never saw anymore the under-voltage symbol !
I just added today an output capacitor 440 µF to try to improve the things... I will inform back if any change ...
this does not seem an openplotter bug, marking as closed, reopen if necessary.