
Full Version: Garmin GPSMap 7000 series NMEA Data
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I have a Garmin GPSMap 7000 series that has a lot of things connected. Some through the NMEA 2000 ports and some on Garmin marine network. I have, so far, found out that i can use something like this to read NMEA 2000 data with a raspberry pi. The thing is that the sonar is connected to the GPSMAP plotter through Garmin marine network. Do anyone know if the data from all connected devices is transmitted over NMEA 2000 when the plotter is connected? 

If so i would assume that e.g. the depth from the sonar would be available in this setup.
I have checked the documentation of the plotter without getting my question answered: 

Another possibility might be to get data from the Garmin marine network. This is a standard rj45 connector, but i don't know if data is available and how.

Any help would be appreciated.