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(2020-11-05, 07:03 PM)rastam4n Wrote: [ -> ]I was actually more interested in the connection to the Rpi as that is the one that is likely causing the problem

@ rastam4n- in order not to alter my PI 4-4giga with Moitessier, I connected the controller to the other PI4-2giga see this small artisan video:
I can't make out anything in that video. But it seems you know how to properly connect the pins so maybe there is no need to check your work. It was a long shot.

here GPIOs you can see how the pin´s of the RPi are counted. Attention, the GPIO-number is not the same as pin-number. Look for the pin-numbers.

What you can try is just change the two data lines at the RPi-pins tx/rx together.  


(2020-11-06, 08:16 AM)Andreas29 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

here GPIOs you can see how the pin´s of the RPi are counted. Attention, the GPIO-number is not the same as pin-number. Look for the pin-numbers.

What you can try is just change the two data lines at the RPi-pins tx/rx together.  



Hi andreas, yes I have seen the GPIO pins. However in my case Seam's directions say (in my case):
- brown wire from controller to pin 1 (3.3v)
- white wire to pin 8 (tx)
- green wire to pin 10 (rx)
- black wire to pin 6 or 9 (GND)
and so I did. I tried to reverse anyway but it doesn't change. The actuator does nothing and in Browser control gives me an error.   Huh
there is no combination with brown, white green black

it should be blue not green. So something is not right

if you disconnect the controller from the raspberry pi, it should only light the red LED. Is this the case?

If the orange light is on when you connect to the pi, then the pi is not configured correctly
(2020-11-06, 09:02 PM)seandepagnier Wrote: [ -> ]there is no combination with brown, white green black

it should be blue not green.   So something is not right

if you disconnect the controller from the raspberry pi, it should only light the red LED.   Is this the case?

If the orange light is on when you connect to the pi, then the pi is not configured correctly

Sean apologizes, it's blue and not green (I've become color blind).

Yes, if I disconnect the Pi, only the red LED remains on. 
Tomorrow I will try starting from scratch with a new SD card. I will configure OP again with only Moitessier and GPS and add the controller of course, 
I'll let you know. In the meantime, thanks and good wind.  Sad
I am in the same situation as Max1947. However, the red led remains on, whether or not the controller is connected to the Raspberry. I will also start from a new installation of OpenPlotter, but this is not obvious, the documentation is missing, we learn by chance part of the operation of the LEDs. I have reversed Rx and Tx as proposed by Andreas29, it does not change anything. I returned to the recommended connection. It takes a very long time and it doesn't work.
If red is on and the blue is flashing the controller is not programmed. If only solid read and nothing else, it is ready but not communicating.

If only the red is shown, it's most likely not configured right. Sorry the openplotter-pypilot integration is not smooth yet and I need to really focus on this but I have a lot of different things I'm working on.

For now I can provide some hints at least:

Download OP2/NOOBS headless
Installed OP onto formatted 32 GB SD card
Insert card, power on.
Wait about 20 minutes as the setup occurs.
SSH connection to enable VNC in raspberry pi configuration.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Start > preferences > raspberry pi configuration > interfaces enable i2c

Start > openplotter > settings > Add sources, update candidates, highlight Pypilot, click install.

Start > openplotter > pypilot > add device. Uncheck "Show only Openplotter Serial". Drop down arrow, select /dev/ttyAMA0, OK. Change drop down "disabled" to "autopilot." Close.

Open OpenCPN. Settings > Plugins > Update plugin catalog master > click pypilot, install. Find pypilot again, tick enable. Click apply, OK.

Manual upgrade of pypilot from git.
mkdir delete
cd delete
git clone
git clone
cp -rv pypilot_data/* pypilot
cd pypilot
python3 build
sudo python3 install

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

sudo usermod -a G tty pi

Start > preferences > raspberry pi configuration > interfaces
disable serial console

Install zeroconf and websocket client so pypilot can communicate with signalk
pip3 install zeroconf or apt install python3-zeroconf
pip3 install websocket-client
Thanks Sean.
I had already prepared a new SD with "OpenPlotter Moitessier HAT.img". 
So all updated.
Now in addition to the red LED which indicates that there is current, the orange LED is seen faintly every 4/5 seconds. 
So I'm assuming your controller isn't broken but still something is wrong. 
The actuator shows no signs of life. 
Let's take small steps and wait. 
Thanks again.
Thanks Sean, 
"Red is on and blue is flashing, the controller is not programmed". That is indeed what is happening. What should I do ?
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