
Full Version: MPU-9250 dead or alive?
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Hi all,
I have previously used the LSM9DSU IMU unit which has worked very well for me. For different reasons I now also want to try the 9250 sensor, but I can't get it to work. I have heard that the quality is low, so that many sensors don't work, but my success rate is zero out of four, which is ridiculous, and leads me to suspect I am doing something wrong. I run the sudo i2cdetect -y 1 command and get an indication for address 68. This should be a good sign. But there is nothing more than that, so it doesn't get detected by Pypilot. Could it really be that all four are useless?! Does anyone have some other advice for testing?

Please note that the LSM9DS1 has worked on my system so I must be doing something right?! I have also had the BME-280 working.
if you see address 68, it should get detected, but this does not mean the sensor is itself good. How is it "not detected" ?

I am looking for alternatives and unfortunately the best option seems to be the icm20948 which is not any improvement of the sensors compared to 9255 , but costs more, although it will be cheaper if every part works.
I should have written autodiscover. That's what i meant. It doesn't show up in the Pypilot interface of Openplotter.

EDIT: I now get one of the units to work. So problem solved, I suppose. Now I know how to get it to work, but not quite sure what I did wrong before. But the fact remains that some of the units get detected by i2cdetect but not by Autodiscover, which is OK, just a feature of the software. I suppose it only gets auto discovered if it actually is functioning.

EDIT 2: It turns out I didn't detect the IMUs before since I was using a PiJuice HAT that also uses the 68 address. So when i removed the PiJuice things started working, at least one IMU, that is.

which module exactly did you use? It seems that there are several modules on the market which are sold as 9250/9255 but don´t work.

Best regards

(2021-04-14, 06:35 PM)Andreas29 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

which module exactly did you use? It seems that there are several modules on the market which are sold as 9250/9255 but don´t work.

Best regards

All I can say is that it looks like this. *This is the one that works. The other two that didn't were fairly similar but bought from somewhere else.
with pin ad0 you can change the adress (set it high or low) statical.