
Full Version: Upgrade from 1.2 Alpha …..
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Hi Pi friends!

After a couple of years away from Pi things i’m picking up with my Pi3 based OpenPlotter/OpenCPN installation on my boat.

I have a simple setup with just a Can-USB adapter connecting to N2K/SeatalkNG, wireless keyboard and hdmi to screen.

It’s working well but is based upon OpenPlotter 1.2 Alpha…..

When i run an ‘Update’ it says 1.2 Alpha is ‘up to date’ but i see version 2.n is current and looks significantly different.

So Can I and Should I upgrade to a newer install ?


Hi, you need to re-install OpenPlotter 2 from scratch. Major releases can not be updated.
Thanks for confirming that, i’ve downloaded the latest 2.n version and am testing, looks good1