(2022-02-08, 04:07 AM)seandepagnier Wrote: [ -> ]You should post any messages printed on the command line.
Hi Sean, sorry about that was running out in a hurry. Here you go!
pi@openplotter:~ $ pypilot
autopilot start 1095.795504016
ERROR loading wind.py cannot import name 'HeadingOffset' from 'pypilot.autopilot' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pypilot/autopilot.py) cannot import name 'HeadingOffset' from 'pypilot.autopilot' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pypilot/autopilot.py)
imu process 3477
nmea process 3481
listening on port 20220 for nmea connections
loading servo calibration /home/pi/.pypilot/servocalibration
WARNING: using default servo calibration!!
gps process 3485
Available Pilots: ['absolute', 'basic', 'basic2', 'basic3', 'simple']
warning: failed to open special file /dev/watchdog0 for writing
cannot stroke the watchdog
pypilotServer process 3488
failed to load pypilot.conf not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
backup data failed as well not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
server setup has 5 pipes
made imu process realtime
Using settings file RTIMULib.ini
Settings file RTIMULib.ini loaded
Detected ICM20948 at standard address
Using fusion algorithm Kalman STATE4
IMU Name: ICM-20948
min/max compass calibration not in use
Using ellipsoid compass calibration
Using accel calibration
autopilot init complete 1096.071205745
ICM-20948 init complete
imu rate set to rate 20
gpsd connected
GPSD devices []
calibration loaded, starting 3476
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1101.141871418
server/client is running too _slowly_ 0.0871203050000986
signalk process 3482
signalk failed to read token /home/pi/.pypilot/signalk-token
signalk zeroconf service add openplotter._http._tcp.local. _http._tcp.local.
signalk server found
signalk probe...
signalk found ws://
signalk post {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
signalk request access url
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1115.310180192
read imu running too _slowly_ 0.04123033799987752 0.05
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1129.43200663
server/client is running too _slowly_ 0.04981947499982198
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1143.585760058
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1157.724121943
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
server/client is running too _slowly_ 0.05388598400008959
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1171.91093847
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1186.049860835
server/client is running too _slowly_ 0.04918544399993152
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1200.202032481
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
read imu running too _slowly_ 0.04781287000014345 0.05
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1214.339472582
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
server/client is running too _slowly_ 0.052434559999937846
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1228.493716728
server/client is running too _slowly_ 0.04902903500010325
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:'}
servo probe ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400) 1242.626596181
read imu running too _slowly_ 0.04684636000001774 0.05
signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'PENDING', 'requestId': '3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'statusCode': 202, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/3c1ba26a-97aa-4177-a024-45dd735d1acc', 'ip': '::ffff:10.10.