
Full Version: Can´t download Openplotter V2
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Hi guys my name is Marcelo Lopez from Argentina. I been using openplotter from first version on a raspberry pi and it´s great.. Now I´m trying to move to openplotter v2, but I´m trying to download any image from several days without succefull. The download begins (pretty slowly) but at some point the download aborts..
Is there any problem with the server, o can I try to download from another place?
Thank you in advance
Hi, the server is in Germany and is working OK even for downloads from Australia. Have you tested a different connection?
(2022-03-02, 07:06 PM)Sailoog Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, the server is in Germany and is working OK even for downloads from Australia. Have you tested a different connection?

Hi thank you for answer. Yes I´ve tryed and from at least two diferents connections. By any chance have you any backup server or maybe a drive share?
Try this link, the server is in US:

Let me know when you are done. I will delete that file because I do not want to abuse cloudsmith's bandwidth.
Can I remove the link?