Got some issues with the Signal K installation and installer. Running an RPI 4 with 8gb memory, with the latest "2022-02-06-OpenPlotter-v3-alpha-64bit-img". I installed the Signal K software through the "OpenPlotter Settings" app. And the signalK server started up with no issues, i tested and activated SSL and it worked, but after a couple of restarts of both the signalK server and the raspberry PI, I can't connect to SignalK.
I believe the issue is mainly due to me not using the "pi" useraccount instead i created an useraccount with the name of my boat. Because when I open the "Signal K installer" the SSL function is disabled and when i try to enable it I get an "No such file or directory: '/home/pi/.signalk/settings.json'
for now I will create an useraccount for the user "pi" and take it from there, but i thought you might wan't to know about this issue.
Best regards
thanks for reporting.
I think this is not a bug because that is the expected behavior. When you install signal K it can be executed only by the current user and the settings are stored in /home/myUser/.signalk
When you change the user after the Signal K installation you should re-install signal K for the new user to make all work again. The new settings will be saved in /home/myNewUser/.signalk
(2022-05-20, 07:46 PM)Sailoog Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for reporting.
I think this is not a bug because that is the expected behavior. When you install signal K it can be executed only by the current user and the settings are stored in /home/myUser/.signalk
When you change the user after the Signal K installation you should re-install signal K for the new user to make all work again. The new settings will be saved in /home/myNewUser/.signalk
Ok, i will try some more, but I did not have any other users logged in when i installed SignalK i changed the settings for the user in the raspberry imager before writing the image to the sd-card and installing it in the raspberry pi, so the only available useraccount under the /home folder is "nostress" (the name of my boat) i changed to ssl and when it stopped working i reinstalled it but again when i activate SSL it stops working after a while. Not a big issue, was just thinking that maybe the user "pi" has been hardcoded somewhere...
ah, you did not mention the raspberry imager, now it makes sense. The official openplotter images have signal k pre-installed for user pi, there is no way for openplotter to know you will change the user in the raspberry imager so it keeps installed for user pi.
User pi is not hardcoded but it is a problem because we need to have a user if we want to pre-install signal k and now this can be changed not only in raspberry imager, latest Raspberry OS images now ask for a user at first boot... we will need to remove that in openplotter images.
Just wanted to bump this thread because it was helpful for troubleshooting. It appears that this is still an issue with the latest 64-bit image.