2022-09-09, 11:12 AM
Hi All
Just working my head around Node Red.
I am trying to setup a "simple"
flow that sends the latitude and longitude to a website. I have the following flow
payload: string
array(0) {
_msgid: "5d2c0c3a9e7dc8f3"
statusCode: 200
headers: object
responseUrl: "https://www.sailadventure.co.uk/automations/posit/"
redirectList: array[2]
retry: 0
responseCookies: object
Just working my head around Node Red.
I am trying to setup a "simple"

- Yellow subscribe input sending lat/long via navigation.position (which after testing with debug shows lat/long)
- Http Request with method set as POST and to the webpage
- Debug message
payload: string
array(0) {
_msgid: "5d2c0c3a9e7dc8f3"
statusCode: 200
headers: object
responseUrl: "https://www.sailadventure.co.uk/automations/posit/"
redirectList: array[2]
retry: 0
responseCookies: object