Having just received a brand new pypilot zero, I could try to find out how to get over the recently revoked git support and update the workbook accordingly.
However, the workbook also mentions Upgrading Tinypilot Remotely. Is that an option for you?
I was able to upgrade pypilot on a brand new tinypilot_2021_11_16.img.xz using the abovementioned method, however pypilot then does not seem to be willing to startup anymore:
tc@pypilot:/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional$ sudo sv stop pypilot
ok: down: pypilot: 1s
tc@pypilot:/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional$ pypilot
autopilot start 178.559815
falling back to python nonblocking socket, will consume more cpu cannot import name 'linebuffer'
pypilot failed to import required modules. Did you forget to run sudo python3 setup.py install?
This is probably because the native c python modules (linebuffer, gfx etc) were build on the Sean's image (standard PI Zero, not Zero 2), and the python version is different between the two (3.6 versus 3.8)
This is still a standard pizero. There seems to be some recompilation of linebuffer.cpp going on in setup.py. I'll capture the setup output and search for linebuffer.
If it's a standard pi zero my message above doesn't apply, sorry.
ironman looks like a python3 problem.
tc@pypilot:~$ pypilot
autopilot start 3312.162935
falling back to python nonblocking socket, will consume more cpu cannot import name 'linebuffer'
pypilot failed to import required modules. Did you forget to run sudo python3 setup.py install?
Check the version of python that is installed update if necessary.
type " python --version " in terminal.
you might try to do what the message you received says "sudo python3 setup.py install"
Try running the dependencies.py script (after removing the abundant "i" in line 76).
Some deps failed for me but tinypilot boots with the 0.32 after that.
I did run the build process again after installing the deps, not sure if that is the proper way.
Make sure to set the correct date on the tinypilot so it can verify the certificates of the package servers.