Hi, I have 2 installations, first one works ok (Ic2, sensors, gps, victron, etc) second one, using same software but only a Ic2 sensor I can see the data on signal K but impossible to see data in Influx or grafana, from where can I start to check? The log in Signalk is similar in both installations.
Do you see any data at all in Influx before you go over to Grafana? Its something that I've just setup on mine. If you go to the data browser on Influx can you get it to graph anything at all, even something that's static?
Is the influx plug in started and are the services running in the dashboard app?
(2023-03-03, 06:04 PM)Boatingbaileys Wrote: [ -> ]Do you see any data at all in Influx before you go over to Grafana? Its something that I've just setup on mine. If you go to the data browser on Influx can you get it to graph anything at all, even something that's static?
Is the influx plug in started and are the services running in the dashboard app?
None, in grafana neither in influx, I finally reinstall and works.