
Full Version: Signal K pre-defined serial links
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Considering a typical basic boat installation, the same requirements for serial links appear recurrently :
  • 1 serial link from RPi to VHF to carry position information ;
  • 1 serial link from AIS receiver to RPi to bring in the AIS information (AIVDM) ;
  • 1 serial link, bothway,  to autopilot to import compass heading and export RMC,  wind direction and so on ...
These are the 3 basic requirements most frequently needed. As it is not obvious to implement them in Signal K, it would be great help (and relief) to have them 'ready made' in the form of a simple signal K backup file, including required signal K plugins. (I did it almost a year ago, but I cannot use it anymore, may be due to updates in Signal K Huh  ).
This master backup file could be complemented with a set of instructions detailing the connections to be created in OpenCPN if any. In that way, only the Serial application should then be used to allocate the Physical USB ports Cool   Exclamation  Heart