
Full Version: Signal K to NMEA 2000 Plugin
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Hi all,

Just having a first play with NMEA 2000 and I'm trying to convert some signal K data into NMEA 2000. For Batteries and Engines, what is meant by SignalK Battery ID and the same for engines on the SK to NMEA 2000 Plugin?

I've got other data converted such as temperatures and i can see that on the network but for these two nothing i've tried is working.

Im trying to use data from a Victron Smart Shut using the VE Direct plugin so i've tried the SK paths but that doesn't seem to work.

Any help is greatly received.

Many thanks,

I've solved one, Batteries for me is just 'House' or 'Starter'

I had used 'Main' and Engine', now I've set everything to 'Engine' its working correctly.
(2023-05-07, 12:20 PM)Boatingbaileys Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all,

Just having a first play with NMEA 2000 and I'm trying to convert some signal K data into NMEA 2000. For Batteries and Engines, what is meant by SignalK Battery ID and the same for engines on the SK to NMEA 2000 Plugin?

I've got other data converted such as temperatures and i can see that on the network but for these two nothing i've tried is working.

Im trying to use data from a Victron Smart Shut using the VE Direct plugin so i've tried the SK paths but that doesn't seem to work.

Any help is greatly received.

Many thanks,

I've solved one, Batteries for me is just 'House' or 'Starter'

I had used 'Main' and Engine', now I've set everything to 'Engine' its working correctly.

When translating from Signal K (SK) to NMEA 2000, “SignalK Battery ID” and “SignalK Engine ID” are the unique identifiers or pathways utilized by the Signal K data structure to indicate engine and battery-related information.
Hi, Are you telling me that's the case or asking a question? Not being funny with that comment, just couldn't quite get that from your response.

I got this working in the end for me its House & Starter and I also needed to update my code on the ESP as I had picked both in the data coming from the engine.
Hi Mat, could you do me a favour and let me know what you have in "SignalK engine id" and the path for the data.... Iam completely stuck now although I have had it working previously, thanks
Your just need the first part of the path, so if your paths are engine.oilTemperature for example then you would just add engine and the code will do the rest.

If it’s engine.1.oilTemperature then it would be engine.1

You should then see that in the log and then on your mfd. out of curiosity what mfd do you have? I had a similar issue where it just stopped and I wondered if the code had changed somewhere
Hi Mat
Thanks for responding, i had it running with your code on an esp direct, but have changed to using the gpio on the pie via Openplotter. I managed to get the exhaust temp working but not the rpm and coolant temp, those are related to the engine pgn's ...

Iam using a garmin plotter and raymarine i70's and have had more luck showing data on the Garmin mfd.

Have just started to re-install SignalK from scratch to start again
Hi, if I remember correctly RPM and Temp are different pgns to exhaust, I can’t get exhaust to work on my Axiom as they have used the extended range and that’s not yet in th plug-in.

Are all of your paths the same, I.e engine?
Iam using "engine" as "Signal K engine id" in the plugin and propulsion.engine.coolantTemperature and propulsion.engine.revolutions ....

After re-install of signalk I can get the RPM showing on my plotter but not the exhaust and not the coolant temp although my plotter can show them.

When checking the server log for the plugin it looks like the data is sent but when using the webapp nmea2000 debug utility it does not look like there as any traffic !!
Did you get any further with this? It might be worth changing the paths to engine.0 (and engine.1 If you have more than one) and seeing if that helps. This happened to me, it was working fine and then just stopped.
(2024-05-25, 02:57 PM)Boatingbaileys Wrote: [ -> ]Did you get any further with this? It might be worth changing the paths to engine.0 (and engine.1 If you have more than one) and seeing if that helps. This happened to me, it was working fine and then just stopped.

Yes and No.... I ended up changing the code (by use of chatgpt!!) in engineparameters.js to use coolantTemperature and it worked out fine, however now iam struggling with the exhaust temperature which is a different pgn as mentioned earlier.... not sure if its related but will for sure need another go to clarify whats going on.
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