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I'm trying to pair a bluetooth keyboard with my Pi4 based OpenPlotter ... I've installed various suggested bluetooth things, bluez, blueman etc ... but no icon appears in the top of the window for bluetooth devices.

I did have the kbd and mouse paired when it was running the previous version,  but after upograde to the latest version, only the mouse works and I can't figure out how to pair the kbd!

After a bit of thinking I worked out the mouse was actually connecting via a logitech dongle I had forgotten about. Bluethooth is still not working.

I found in /boot/config.txt


so I removed that. At some point I did:

sudo apt install bluetooth pi-bluetooth bluez blueman

When I try access blueman from the prefrences menu, after a few seconds it tells me it cannot connect to bluez or bluez is not running.

I've tried an /etc/init.d/bluetooth start .. but that doesnt seem to help.
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create a tutorial aboout using bluetooth on a raspberry pi using raspberry pi os buster
Here's a tutorial on how to use Bluetooth on a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS Buster:
First, make sure your Raspberry Pi is up to date by running the following commands in the terminal:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Next, install the Bluetooth tools by running the following command:
sudo apt install bluetooth bluez blueman

Once the installation is complete, you can start the Bluetooth service by running the following command:
sudo systemctl start bluetooth

You can check the status of the Bluetooth service by running the following command:
sudo systemctl status bluetooth

To make sure the Bluetooth service starts automatically on boot, run the following command:
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth

To scan for nearby Bluetooth devices, run the following command:
sudo hcitool scan

This will display a list of nearby Bluetooth devices and their MAC addresses.
To pair with a Bluetooth device, run the following command:

This will open the Bluetooth control interface. From here, you can run the following commands to pair with a device:
power on
agent on
scan on
pair <MAC address>

Replace <MAC address> with the MAC address of the device you want to pair with.
Once the device is paired, you can connect to it by running the following command:
connect <MAC address>

Replace <MAC address> with the MAC address of the device you want to connect to.
To disconnect from a device, run the following command:
disconnect <MAC address>

Replace <MAC address> with the MAC address of the device you want to disconnect from.
To remove a paired device, run the following command:
remove <MAC address>

Replace <MAC address> with the MAC address of the device you want to remove.
That's it! You should now be able to use Bluetooth on your Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS Buster. For more advanced usage, you can check out the resources listed below:
Bluetooth on the Raspberry Pi - Pi My Life Up
[How to Set Up Bluetooth on a Raspberry Pi - Howchoo]
[Bluetooth, BlueALSA and Buster]
PaddyB - OP is using the latest OpenPlotter version. That uses the Bullseye OS not Buster n'est-ce pas? Just a question, no need to further exercise your patent adoration of AI.

Rszemeti - You say there is no Bluetooth icon, have you tried adding it to the panel?