
Full Version: New user - Looking to integrate with existing autotiller
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Hello everyone, 

I am a new user of OpenPlotter. In fact, not yet a user as still reading and downloading. 

I'm relatively new to sailing (2 years) and also relatively new to Pi and microcontrollers but have been a software engineer for 20 years.

My goal is to create an IoT system on my boat. I'll be starting with simple projects, moving onto more complex projects as I build confidence, in no particular order: 

- I currently do not have a working MHU for my wind instruments and so have bought a RS485 wind speed sensor. It isn't as accurate as I'd like but is a good start for a fun project and is better than the nothing I have currently. I am currently playing with it and have output to the serial monitor the values in knots. The next step I wish to play with is to translate the reading into an NMEA 2000 message and build a CANbus trunk reading the message from another pi / pico / esp32 and displaying the values.

- Water detection in bilge - alarm if detected.

- Coolant flow monitoring - alarm if engine running without flow.

- VDO fuel level sensor - reporting the fuel level, analysing and reporting fuel consumption (initially hours of engine use vs level, later including RPM), reporting remaining fuel (hours @ average historical RPM).

- Security cameras - motion detection, notification to my phone

- I wish to add a solar array, so monitoring of batteries / solar panels.

- I have a Chinese diesel heater, already captured the RF signals using an ESP32 and RF receiver, reproduced these to turn on, up, down off the heater. I have recently received a few DHT22 temp / humidity sensors and wish to integrate these to thermostatically control the heater (whilst also considering the battery levels above.

- I have an old Autotiller (Navico TP500) This will maintain a compass course or course to wind. There are controls to increment by 1 or 5 degrees to port / starboard. I wish to investigate the feasibility of integrating it to PyPilot with a Raspberry Pi.

- <other cool, interesting ideas to be added here (accepting replies below)>

Sorry for the random brain dump. I'm likely to seek advice and support for some of my projects and hope to be able to share my experiences and help others with their problems.

Fair winds,
