2024-04-03, 12:05 AM
New to this. Searched forum but couldn't find what I think I'm looking for...
I want to read RPi system statistics into Node Red embedded, CPU utilisation, temp, etc. Found this example: System statistics of Raspberry Pi (flow) - Node-RED (nodered.org)
However this requires that I install the following:
What is the correct way to do this for Node Red embedded?
And how might I monitor the success or failure thereof?
I thought I could add it under 'Npm modules to make available' in the Node Red config under SignalK but the documentation on this is very sparse.
Thank you in advance.
New to this. Searched forum but couldn't find what I think I'm looking for...
I want to read RPi system statistics into Node Red embedded, CPU utilisation, temp, etc. Found this example: System statistics of Raspberry Pi (flow) - Node-RED (nodered.org)
However this requires that I install the following:
npm install node-red-contrib-os
What is the correct way to do this for Node Red embedded?
And how might I monitor the success or failure thereof?
I thought I could add it under 'Npm modules to make available' in the Node Red config under SignalK but the documentation on this is very sparse.
Thank you in advance.