
Full Version: Friendly names for... is it safe?
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Hello friends,

I tried to have some "friendly names" in SK dashboard
I changed UUIDs in openplotter.conf, like this:


after reconnecting and approving the new connections (GPIO, Notifications, I2C etc) I got this:


It seems everything is working just fine but I am concerning this change will affect some functionality of the whole system.

Fair wind,
You can do that in OP3 but in OP4 (updated) you have to edit ~/.signalk/security.json and ignore openplotter.conf

Let us know any side effect.

This will never be implemented in OP because having the same uuid in all systems is not secure.
thanks for reply
so far, so good, no side effects yet

I understand the problem generated by same UUIDs but maybe adding some alias for these connections will do the trick, and keeping the random generated UUIDs just for internal processes

best regards
(2024-04-10, 05:56 PM)Sailoog Wrote: [ -> ]

wow, a lot of info to digest
do you have a conclusion?  Smile Smile Smile