
Full Version: Alternate ways to send commands to Pypilot
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I would like to control pypilot from Home Assistant.

I am able to connect to pypilot over ssh. Is there a way to send a command over ssh to
-engage/disengage the autopilot
-send commands like +-2/10

I am also connected over NMEA0183. I am able to read my course. How do I send commands over nmea?

Any other suggestions for sending commands? I tried to do it over the web interface but got nowhere.
It’s easy over tcp.

Take a look how it’s done in this code:

Great! Thanks! I was able to send commands over TCP over port 23322.

One piece of the puzzle is still missing. I would like to "listen" so I know if the AP is on or off, and what the pilot is commanded to. Over NMEA I have access to the current course.

I did figure out some ssh commands, in case anyone is interested.
-pypilot_client "ap.enabled=false"
-pypilot_client 'ap.enabled=True'
-pypilot_client 'ap.heading_command=213'
-pypilot_client "ap.heading"
-pypilot_client "ap.heading_command"
In same code I sent to you


function sends subscription commands.