'use strict' /** * Copyright 2016 Signal K and Fabian Tollenaar . * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const debug = require('debug')('signalk-parser-nmea0183/APB') const utils = require('@signalk/nmea0183-utilities') /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | | | | | | | | | | | | | $GPAPB,A,A,0.10,R,N,V,V,011,M,DEST,011,M,011,M*3C where: APB Autopilot format B 0 A Loran-C blink/SNR warning, general warning 1 A Loran-C cycle warning 2 0.10 cross-track error distance 3 R steer Right to correct (or L for Left) 4 N cross-track error units - nautical miles (K for kilometers) 5 V arrival alarm - circle 6 V arrival alarm - perpendicular 7,8 011,M magnetic bearing, origin to destination 9 DEST destination waypoint ID 10,11 011,M magnetic bearing, present position to destination 12,13 011,M magnetic heading to steer (bearings could True as 033,T) *3C Checksum */ module.exports = function (input) { const { id, sentence, parts, tags } = input const upper = (str) => str.trim().toUpperCase() debug(`[APBHook] decoding sentence ${id} => ${sentence}`) if (upper(parts[0]) === '' || upper(parts[1]) === '' || upper(parts[2]) === '' || upper(parts[3]) === '' || upper(parts[4]) === '') { return null } if (parts[0].trim().toUpperCase() === 'V') { // Don't parse this sentence as it's void. throw new Error('Not parsing sentence for it\'s void (LORAN-C blink/SNR warning)') } if (parts[1].trim().toUpperCase() === 'V') { throw new Error('Not parsing sentence for it\'s void (LORAN-C cycle warning)') } // XTE const direction = parts[3].trim().toUpperCase() === 'L' ? 1 : -1 const xte = direction * utils.transform(parts[2], (parts[4].trim().toUpperCase() === 'N' ? 'nm' : 'km'), 'm') // WP arrival status const arrivalCircleEntered = parts[5].trim().toUpperCase() === 'A' const perpendicularPassed = parts[6].trim().toUpperCase() === 'A' // Bearing, origin to destination const bearingOriginToDest = utils.transform(parts[7], 'deg', 'rad') const bearingOriginToDestType = parts[8].trim().toUpperCase() === 'M' ? 'Magnetic' : 'True' // Destination Waypoint ID const destinationWaypointID = parts[9].trim() // Bearing, position to destination const bearingPositionToDest = utils.transform(parts[10], 'deg', 'rad') const bearingPositionToDestType = parts[11].trim().toUpperCase() === 'M' ? 'Magnetic' : 'True' // Heading to steer const headingToSteer = utils.transform(parts[12], 'deg', 'rad') const headingToSteerType = parts[13].trim().toUpperCase() === 'M' ? 'Magnetic' : 'True' // Direction to Steer const directionToSteer = parts[3].trim().toUpperCase() === 'L' ? "L" : "R" return { updates: [ { source: tags.source, timestamp: tags.timestamp, values: [ { path: 'navigation.courseRhumbline.crossTrackError', value: xte }, { path: `navigation.courseRhumbline.bearingTrack${bearingOriginToDestType}`, value: bearingOriginToDest }, { path: `navigation.courseRhumbline.bearingOriginToDestination${bearingOriginToDestType}`, value: bearingOriginToDest }, { path: `navigation.courseRhumbline.bearingToDestination${bearingPositionToDestType}`, value: bearingPositionToDest }, { path: 'navigation.courseRhumbline.nextPoint.ID', value: destinationWaypointID }, { path: `steering.autopilot.target.heading${headingToSteerType}`, value: headingToSteer }, { path: 'steering.autopilot.target.direction', value: directionToSteer }, { path: 'steering.autopilot.target.dirnum', value: direction }, { path: 'notifications.arrivalCircleEntered', value: arrivalCircleEntered === false ? null : { method: ['sound', 'visual'], state: 'alarm', message: 'WP arrival circle entered!' } }, { path: 'notifications.perpendicularPassed', value: perpendicularPassed === false ? null : { method: ['sound', 'visual'], state: 'alarm', message: 'Perpendicular passed!' } } ] } ] } }