#!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from signalk import kjson import time import socket # Marco Bergman 2019 # alternative pypilot ui emulates raymarine st2000 HOST='' PORT=21311 # GPIO constants: connect switches to ground on these GPIO pins AU = 26 # Auto M1 = 5 # Minus 1 M10 = 6 # Minus 10 P10 = 12 # Plus 10 P1 = 13 # Plus 1 SB = 21 # Standby BUZZER = 25 # Buzzer BLINKER = 19 # Light MODE_STBY = 1 MODE_AUTO = 2 MODE_TRACK = 4 MODE_GAINS = 5 MODE_P = 6 MODE_I = 7 MODE_D = 8 FACTOR_LOW = 1.1 FACTOR_MEDIUM = 1.5 FACTOR_HIGH = 2.0 # Long press threshold THRESHOLD = 10 GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(SB, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Stand By: 1 GPIO.setup(AU, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Auto: 2 GPIO.setup(P1, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # +1: 4 GPIO.setup(P10, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # +10: 8 GPIO.setup(M10, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # -10: 16 GPIO.setup(M1, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # -1: 32 GPIO.setup(BUZZER, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(BLINKER, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(BLINKER, 0) def beep(b): if ( b == 1 ): GPIO.output(BUZZER, 1) time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(BUZZER, 0) if ( b == 2 ): GPIO.output(BUZZER, 1) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(BUZZER, 0) if ( b == 3 ): beep(1) time.sleep(0.1) beep(1) def adjust_gain (mode, factor): if (mode == MODE_P): gain = "P" if (mode == MODE_I): gain = "I" if (mode == MODE_D): gain = "D" gain_name = "ap.pilot." + ap_pilot + "." + gain gain_name = gain_name.replace("pilot..", "") print gain_name current_gain = GetSignalkValue (gain_name) new_gain = current_gain * factor print gain_name + " = " + str(current_gain) + " * " + str(factor) + " = " + str(new_gain) SetSignalkValue (gain_name, new_gain) def adjust_heading (adjustment): name = "ap.heading_command" current_value = GetSignalkValue(name) new_value = current_value + adjustment print name + " = " + str(current_value) + " + " + str(adjustment) + " = " + str(new_value) SetSignalkValue(name, new_value) def do_blinker(): global blinker_counter if (mode == MODE_STBY): light_on = (blinker_counter in [38, 39]) if (mode == MODE_AUTO): light_on = (blinker_counter not in [38, 39]) if (mode == MODE_TRACK): light_on = (blinker_counter not in [1, 2, 5, 6]) if (mode == MODE_GAINS): light_on = (blinker_counter not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]) if (mode in [MODE_P, MODE_I, MODE_D]): light_on = (blinker_counter not in [1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32]) #print "blinker_counter "+ "{:0>2d}".format(blinker_counter) + " light_on "+str(light_on) if (light_on): GPIO.output(BLINKER, 1) else: GPIO.output(BLINKER, 0) blinker_counter = (blinker_counter + 1) % 40 def GetSignalkValue (name): connection = socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) request = {'method' : 'get', 'name' : name} connection.send(kjson.dumps(request)+'\n') line=connection.recv(1024) try: msg = kjson.loads(line.rstrip()) value = msg[name]["value"] except: value = "" connection.close(); return value def SetSignalkValue (name, value): # Write one value to signalk connection = socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) request = {'method' : 'set', 'name' : name, 'value' : value} connection.send(kjson.dumps(request)+'\n') connection.close(); print "Starting up" print "Connecting to SignalK at " + HOST + ":" + str(PORT) ap_enabled = GetSignalkValue ("ap.enabled") ap_mode = GetSignalkValue ("ap.mode") ap_pilot = GetSignalkValue ("ap.pilot") print "Autopilot: " + ap_pilot + " / enabled="+ str(ap_enabled) + " / " + ap_mode mode = MODE_STBY if (ap_enabled and ap_mode == 'compass'): mode = MODE_AUTO if (ap_enabled and ap_mode == 'gps'): mode = MODE_TRACK beep(3) print "Ready" next_mode = mode blinker_counter = 38 while 1: # wait for a button to be pressed while (GPIO.input(SB) == 1 and GPIO.input(AU) == 1 and GPIO.input(P1) == 1 and GPIO.input(P10) == 1 and GPIO.input(M10) == 1 and GPIO.input(M1) == 1): do_blinker() time.sleep (0.05) blinker_counter = 0 # wait for a possible second one or the key to be finished vibrating time.sleep (0.05) # store the key (or key combination) in one variable key = (1-GPIO.input(SB)) + 2*(1-GPIO.input(AU)) + 4*(1-GPIO.input(P1)) + 8*(1-GPIO.input(P10)) + 16*(1-GPIO.input(M10)) + 32*(1-GPIO.input(M1)); # wait for a long press. Actually, there are no real interesting long presses to implement. counter = 0.1 while (1==2): # (GPIO.input(SB) == 1 and GPIO.input(AU) == 1 and GPIO.input(P1) == 1 and GPIO.input(P10) == 1 and GPIO.input(M10) == 1 and GPIO.input(M1) == 1): time.sleep (0.1) counter = counter + 1 if (blinker_counter > THRESHOLD): # Long press counter = -1000; print "Long " + str(key) # Standby if (key == 1): print "Standby (" + str(key) + ")" write_seatalk("02", "FD") beep(2) # Short press if (counter > 0): # Stand by if (key == 1): if (mode in [MODE_AUTO, MODE_P, MODE_I, MODE_D]): print "Stand by" SetSignalkValue ("ap.enabled", False) SetSignalkValue ("servo.command", 0) next_mode = MODE_STBY beep(2) if (mode == MODE_GAINS): next_mode = MODE_D print "Enter D:" # Auto if (key == 2 and mode != MODE_AUTO): print "Auto" SetSignalkValue ("ap.heading_command", GetSignalkValue("ap.heading")) SetSignalkValue ("ap.enabled", True) next_mode = MODE_AUTO if (mode == MODE_TRACK): blinker_counter = 38 # for immediate blinker feedback beep(1) # +1 if (key == 4): if (mode == MODE_AUTO): print "+1" adjust_heading(+1) blinker_counter = 38 # for immediate blinker feedback beep(1) if (mode in [MODE_P, MODE_I, MODE_D]): adjust_gain (mode, FACTOR_LOW) # +10 if (key == 8): if (mode == MODE_AUTO): print "+10" adjust_heading(+10) blinker_counter = 38 # for immediate blinker feedback beep(2) if (mode in [MODE_P, MODE_I, MODE_D]): adjust_gain (mode, FACTOR_MEDIUM) # -10 if (key == 16): if (mode == MODE_AUTO): print "-10" adjust_heading(-10) blinker_counter = 38 # for immediate blinker feedback beep (2) if (mode == MODE_GAINS): next_mode = MODE_I print "Enter I:" if (mode in [MODE_P, MODE_I, MODE_D]): adjust_gain (mode, 1 / FACTOR_MEDIUM) # -1 if (key == 32): if (mode == MODE_AUTO): print "-1" adjust_heading(-1) blinker_counter = 38 # for immediate blinker feedback beep (1) if (mode == MODE_GAINS): next_mode = MODE_P print "Enter P:" if (mode in [MODE_P, MODE_I, MODE_D]): adjust_gain (mode, 1 / FACTOR_LOW) # Track -10 & +10 if (key == 24 and mode != MODE_STBY and mode != MODE_TRACK): print "Track" next_mode = MODE_TRACK # Tack Port -1 & -10 if (key == 48 and mode == MODE_AUTO): print "Tack Port" SetSignalkValue("ap.tack.direction", "port") SetSignalkValue("ap.tack.state", "begin") # Tack Starboard +1 & +10 if (key == 12 and mode == MODE_AUTO): print "Tack Starboard" SetSignalkValue("ap.tack.direction", "starboard") SetSignalkValue("ap.tack.state", "begin") # Set gains: +1 & -1 if (key == 36 and mode in [MODE_AUTO, MODE_TRACK, MODE_P, MODE_I, MODE_D]): print "Choose gain" next_mode = MODE_GAINS mode = next_mode # Wait for key to be lifted while (GPIO.input(SB) == 0 or GPIO.input(AU) == 0 or GPIO.input(P1) == 0 or GPIO.input(P10) == 0 or GPIO.input(M10) == 0 or GPIO.input(M1) == 0): time.sleep (0.1)