Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - Printable Version

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RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - Sailoog - 2024-06-27

working on it, stay tuned.

RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - bitsailor - 2024-06-27

@Sailoog - perhaps worth moving the rest of the convo to github, but I took a brief look at the notifications app and I would be happy to try to work on a pull request if thats ok with you

RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - Sailoog - 2024-06-27

Really appreciate that but I am working on a solution that I am already testing. I will need your help to test and debug.

RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - bitsailor - 2024-06-27

Ah fantastic - glad I asked Big Grin 

Will keep an eye out on this thread, and will also pm you my email for when you are ready for testing

RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - Sailoog - 2024-06-27

Done, test please.

- Uninstall the current openplotter-notifications app

- Download this beta version.

- Install with:

sudo dpkg -i openplotter-notifications_4.2.4-beta_all.deb

- Open the app to perform post-installations actions:


- Reboot and test.

You should see a visual notification per Signal k path at first. Each window will show the first time the notification was detected and will update every 2 seconds. If you close the window it will not open again. Obviously these initial windows are annoying, so we should ask the Signal K team if they have plans to remove visual methods for normal and nominal notifications. If not, we can still find a solution. tkurki?


This new logic will work for both scenarios, multiple and single notifications for the same state. It should also work for "sound" method.

This change will also impact "Actions", but it is not yet ported, so do not play with Actions or you will get unexpected results.


RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - bitsailor - 2024-06-27

Hi Sailoog -

Just tested and behaviour is as you described. When engine turns on, I get a bunch of notifications that come up and the pi briefly goes to 100% CPU, but then continues as normal. Once I close the notifications they no longer re-appear.

Seems to have fixed the issue


RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - Sailoog - 2024-06-28


More testers are welcome.

I will work on implementing the new logic in Actions while we wait for news from Signal K.

@tkurki, Should I open an issue in github to discuss this? SK server or signalk-to-nmea2000 plugin?

RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - Sailoog - 2024-06-28

New beta (release candidate) to download.

- Ready for mass visual and sound notifications.
- Actions is also adapted to the new logic.
- I thought other providers might also have the bad idea of sending normal and nominal mass notifications using visual or sound methods, so I added an "ignore" field to all states:



Install with:

sudo dpkg -i openplotter-notifications_4.2.9-beta_all.deb

Open the app to perform post-installations actions:


Reboot and test please.

RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - tkurki - 2024-06-30

The visual method for normal state is removed in v3.1.1 of As I understand this should fix the issue.

Just a note that this is actually not very new, the mapping from N2K 127489 to Signal K has been like this since 2018.

Since NMEA 2000 has no concept of "state" a device on the bus can just send periodically the same normal/alarm state. PGN 127489 has 2x16 individual alarms that can be on or off, so the simplest strategy for mapping to Signal K is that they are mapped to normal and alarm states.

This way also a UI can know that the notification state is still valid - if there were no subsequent updates you could not tell if the state is still as it should be and the communication path from the device to the UI is still working.

I am surprised that this has not come up earlier.

RE: Need help debugging OpenPlotter crashes - ningaloo - 2024-06-30

I have to say how impressed I am by the community response. I have just seen these updates and will install and test in the next few days.
Thanks so much guys.