Possible pin conflict - Not tested yet - Printable Version

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Possible pin conflict - Not tested yet - Boatingbaileys - 2023-04-14

My board arrived today and to say I'm excited is a bit of an understatement. I have got it connected to Pi3 just so I could fire it up.

I will take it to the boat shortly and do some testing, but one thing I was thinking about is pin conflicts with the Argon One case. From what i can see, Pins 7 & 8 are the two that could conflict, i'm just trying to find out what they do on the Argon board and if they can be disabled. The fan is I2C, so that's not an issue, im wondering if its IR or something similar.

I guess if that port isn't used on the MacArthur HAT we should be good, and the hat is physically wired to that port? Time will tell, but super excited to test.

This is what the Argon uses.
[Image: EAB6-E9-CF-0-D56-490-E-8-E62-A3-F4-BFFFE717.png]

RE: Possible pin conflict - Not tested yet - TVR - 2023-04-14

Argon One uses pin 7 for the power button, and pin 8 to indicate power status (it sends a shutdown signal to the monitor if no power is detected on pin 8). MacArthur uses pin 7 for NMEA 0183 TX1 and pin 8 for UART0 TX (Maiana). I think the Argon pins are hard wired, so you'll lose the MacArthur functionality on these pins.

Argon One uses pins 15/16 for IR TX/RX, these aren't used by MacArthur so there will be no conflict.

And Argon One uses I2C for fan control, this should happily coexist with other I2C devices attached to MacArthur.

RE: Possible pin conflict - Not tested yet - Boatingbaileys - 2023-04-15

(2023-04-14, 08:53 PM)TVR Wrote: Argon One uses pin 7 for the power button, and pin 8 to indicate power status (it sends a shutdown signal to the monitor if no power is detected on pin 8). MacArthur uses pin 7 for NMEA 0183 TX1 and pin 8 for UART0 TX (Maiana). I think the Argon pins are hard wired, so you'll lose the MacArthur functionality on these pins.

Argon One uses pins 15/16 for IR TX/RX, these aren't used by MacArthur so there will be no conflict.

And Argon One uses I2C for fan control, this should happily coexist with other I2C devices attached to MacArthur.

Thanks so much TVR for that additional information. I’ve been trying to Google what the pins were used for. I think I might mod the case if that’s an option as I only use the fan. I’ll investigate further- many thanks!

RE: Possible pin conflict - Not tested yet - TVR - 2023-04-15

I'd be surprised if the HAT fits in your Argon One case anyway, it certainly doesn't fit in my Argon Neo case. The Maiana RJ45 socket sits directly above the Raspberry RJ45 socket, and the Argon cases don't provide enough room.

The MacArthur HAT is actually bigger than the Raspberry Pi once you take all the connector plugs into account, and I haven't found any off-the-shelf cases that will fit. I'm hoping someone cleverer than me will design a 3D printed case for us all to use.

RE: Possible pin conflict - Not tested yet - Boatingbaileys - 2023-04-15

I’m planning on using a small GPIO cable and mount it alongside. I would also love a case for it, that was going to be one of my recommendations or feedback.

RE: Possible pin conflict - Not tested yet - Sailoog - 2023-04-15

Raspberry pinout:

MacARthur HAT pinout:


I guess this case is not intended to be used with any HAT because its choice of pins is very strange.

If MacArthur HAT is successful I am sure someone will design a case soon.

RE: Possible pin conflict - Not tested yet - TVR - 2023-04-15

I think I got some of the Argon pins wrong, I was trying to match them to the diagram but I'm pretty sure the diagram is incorrect.

According to this link, the Argon pinout is as follows:

Pin 7 : shut down monitor
Pin 11 : power button
Pin 22 : IR TX
Pin 23 : IR RX
Pins 27/28 : Fan control I2C