Three blind mice (maybe solved) - Printable Version

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Three blind mice (maybe solved) - Norm - 2023-10-04

I am having some issue with “touch screen, mice pointer, and VNC" the sometimes seeing mouse.  My issue may be compounded by the fact I am using a DSI (pi ribbon cable) and a HDMI on port 2. The issue is;  if I interact with the mouse, the touch screen can have issues, I thought I locked the input of the DSI to its output but(?).

Some of the hardware
The DSI is a wave share 3.4" round screen with (5 point touch? not sure on the 5 point)  (seams only one point works within open plotter)    
the HDMI is just a std. HDMI screen
I am using an Ipad to vnc to (both screens, which are not on top of each other, but do show up and seam to work well on VNC)

Some notes:
If the background changes to the HDMI's background (the mice start to become blind) and the touch starts to redefined its center. no longer on the 800x800.
I am using "gnome pie" for menus = works with the round.
I have found and locked #10 to the DSI but I am not sure if there are other operations within VNC - and or the connection through or with X windows ?

a side effect or not:
opencpn will not release the opengl acceleration. (ether by tick box or through the council) ?

SO I guess my question is; is there a place for me to search for PI (Bullseye) and x windows interactions with multi screens? noting the DSI being one of them

Sorry to have to ask, but I have not found an answer for why this may be happening, and it seams sometimes random.

--------------------- Edited----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Items found:

1.) the misbehaving mouse was due to the capture (mouse/ touch screen and not capturing all touch processes/ combined with the primary screen selection)
see more information at attached link
help on binding touch

2.) still having some issues with openCPN   = reinstalled with 2nd monitor as primary, so far seams to have fixed it (maybe).

3.) in case the reader does not know, the current Pi OS's in open plotter > offers only one desktop work space.
(so the work area is spread across all screens "Please note; possible binding issuses if the screen configuration is stacked")