Maiana connection - Printable Version

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RE: Maiana connection - motamman - 2024-03-12

(2024-03-12, 04:57 PM)Sailoog Wrote: oops sorry, OPv3 is only for RPi4.

You can ignore those errors too.

Once you enabled the debug mode open a a terminal and type openplotter-maiana to open the maiana app. Try to connect again and any error will be sent to the terminal.

No errors. Just the message that says can't connect hit refresh at the bottom of the maiana app.

(2024-03-12, 04:57 PM)Sailoog Wrote: oops sorry, OPv3 is only for RPi4.

You can ignore those errors too.

Once you enabled the debug mode open a a terminal and type openplotter-maiana to open the maiana app. Try to connect again and any error will be sent to the terminal.

No errors. Just the message that says can't connect hit refresh at the bottom of the maiana app.

Debugging is enabled and check system finds no problems. And the receiver is receiving AIS messages and the GPS is connected.

RE: Maiana connection - TVR - 2024-03-13

I had the same issue. When I first set up Maiana on the Pi5, SignalK was receiving GPS and AIS messages but the Maiana app wouldn't connect.

I'm not sure what I did to fix it, but it magically started working. I think I might have had to enable UART0 in the Serial app, and then delete and recreate the serial connection?

RE: Maiana connection - Sailoog - 2024-03-13

(2024-03-13, 10:07 AM)TVR Wrote: I think I might have had to enable GPIO0 in the Serial app, and then delete and recreate the serial connection?

GPIO0? you mean UART0?

RE: Maiana connection - TVR - 2024-03-13

Apologies, meant to say UART0. I'll update my post above

RE: Maiana connection - motamman - 2024-03-13

(2024-03-13, 10:07 AM)TVR Wrote: I had the same issue. When I first set up Maiana on the Pi5, SignalK was receiving GPS and AIS messages but the Maiana app wouldn't connect.

I'm not sure what I did to fix it, but it magically started working. I think I might have had to enable UART0 in the Serial app, and then delete and recreate the serial connection?

I have done that a couple of times, but I will try again.

I tried again. Same result.

RE: Maiana connection - motamman - 2024-03-15

I solved this but it was a slog. And once again, a reminder of the tenuous relationship between causation and correlation.

I was able to provision the Maiana with my boat info from the command line, though not from the pi connected to the MacArthur hat. I had to use a different machine and connect to the base with the UART adaptor. And so, I am receiving and sending.

Here us the relevant info

Configure the COM port for 38400 bps, 8 bit data, no parity, one stop bit. Attach the serial
terminal to this port and power up the system. You should see a continuous feed of NMEA0183

To interact with the unit using commands, configure your serial terminal application for line input
with CRLF (‘\r\n’) termination. Then send the cli command (you may need to send it more than
once). The unit should reboot and respond with this output:

CLI mode. Send the 'reboot' command or cycle power to exit.

With the terminal really quiet now, it’s a lot easier to send the station command for provisioning.
This command has eight comma-separated arguments with no quotes or spaces in between. It
must be sent in one line like this:

station mmsi,name,callsign,type,len,beam,portoffset,bowoffset

Here is the reminder:

When I first connected to the base, I was using a 75 foot cat5 cable and couldn't send commands, only receive. At the suggestion of Peter Antypas, who is most awesome, I switched to a shorter cable, and, Bob's your uncle, it worked.

Interestingly, the Openplotter Maiana app still doesn't see the device but it is working fully as expected.

For now, that's good enuf, knowing that Openplotter is still in beta.


RE: Maiana connection - Sailoog - 2024-03-15

Thanks for the detailed report.

Did you manage to connect to the device using openplotter-maiana and the short cable?

RE: Maiana connection - motamman - 2024-03-15

(2024-03-15, 12:21 PM)Sailoog Wrote: Thanks for the detailed report.

Did you manage to connect to the device using openplotter-maiana and the short cable?
I am having exactly the same issue with the Maiana transducer app, which does not see the Maiana port.

Signal K does, and is processing incoming transmissions and sending my info. And that is openplotter-maiana at work.

Does that answer your question?


RE: Maiana connection - Sailoog - 2024-03-16

When you click "Refresh" in openplotter-maiana app you are sending some commands to get info from the maiana device. I am trying to know if there is any bug in our app or we are just affected by the same issue you experimented: using long cables you get data but you can not send data to maiana devices.

In other words, the openplotter-maiana application reads data from Signal k, not from the maiana device. It connects with the MAIANA device only to program it or tell it to send its current configuration data to Signal k.

That is why it is important to know if you tested the short cable with openplotter-maiana.

RE: Maiana connection - motamman - 2024-03-16

(2024-03-16, 10:22 AM)Sailoog Wrote: When you click "Refresh" in openplotter-maiana app you are sending some commands to get info from the maiana device. I am trying to know if there is any bug in our app or we are just affected by the same issue you experimented: using long cables you get data but you can not send data to maiana devices.

In other words, the openplotter-maiana application reads data from Signal k, not from the maiana device. It connects with the MAIANA device only to program it or tell it to send its current configuration data to Signal k.

That is why it is important to know if you tested the short cable with openplotter-maiana.

I have the system running now on the shorter cable. When I hit refresh from the Maiana app, I do not connect to the Maiana device. The issue remains the same for me. The app does not throw any errors when I run from the command line with debug enabled.

Does that answer the question?
