Maiana connection - Printable Version

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RE: Maiana connection - Sailoog - 2024-03-16

Yes, it does. Could you make a test?

Click "Refresh" and even if you do not get data from the device, go to the Signal k administator - data browser and tell me if you get data similar to this image:


RE: Maiana connection - motamman - 2024-03-16

I only see channel A and B noiseFloor, which ranges in the 20s and 30s. And channel A and B transmittedNessageType, which show a value of 24A and 18

There are no other entries for OpenPlotter.maiana, though there are many from maiana.GP,N,L


RE: Maiana connection - NousVoila - 2024-08-06

(2024-03-06, 04:10 AM)Motamman Wrote: J'ai essayé cela des dizaines de fois et je n'arrive pas à le faire fonctionner.

Je peux voir les phrases AIS 0183 sur ttyAMA0 mais il n'y a pas de solution. 

Il n'y a pas de voyants AIS ou GPS RX/TX qui clignotent. 

J'ai installé et réinstallé. J'arrive au point où j'ai approuvé l'appareil et je peux sélectionner l'alias dans le menu déroulant. Mais lorsque j'appuie sur Actualiser, j'obtiens une erreur Impossible de se connecter à l'appareil, essayez d'actualiser. Ce que je fais, et j'obtiens le même message d'erreur.

Aucune erreur n'est signalée lorsque je vérifie le système et Maiana semble vérifier.

Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ?

J'ai les meme probleme .
Fait des tests avec openplotter v3 et RPI 4. actualiser de dizaines de fois aucune donnée dans l'application Maiana
Aussi avec OpenPlotter4 et RPI 5 actualiser de dizaines de fois aucune donnée dans l'appli Maiana.

Cela a deja fonction au debut lors de la premier installation OP V3 et RPI4


RE: Maiana connection - aitonos - 2024-10-12


I have the same problem with Maiana + Mac Arthurs Hat +  PI5 8GB , fresh install, but in my case:
  • Maiana gets gps fix (GPS RX led is on, 
  • Receives AIS RX ( Ais RX led blinks several times per minute)
  • Check system is OK, serial connection is green,
  • 12SW positive is plugged, and I can shut down and start throught the interruptor
  • SignalK does not get any data from Maiana, even when thereare the data connections Maiana and Maiana command

What I have tried:

[*]I have read all the posts in this forum, the docs, Github etc, to see if I have done anything wrong; all seems fine
[*]I have tested with 6 different network cables Cat5e
[*]I have restarted many times both Signal K and OP.
[*]I have deleted all connections and start back from the scratch
[*]I have done  a Terminal check once debug is activated: this is the mesage

pi@openplotter:~ $ openplotter-maiana

(openplotter-maiana:58022): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 20:25:46.186: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkScrollbar

(openplotter-maiana:58022): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 20:25:46.245: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkScrollbar

What else can I do prior to make a new install?

( this is the first step I do , but I updated The OS before installing Mac Arthur Hat and Maiana)

Please help!


RE: Maiana connection - aitonos - 2024-10-16

Any clues?


RE: Maiana connection - Adrian - 2024-10-18

(2024-10-16, 09:11 PM)aitonos Wrote: Any clues?


Sorry for the slow response, I hoped someone with a MAIANA would chime in.

The MacArthur HAT directly connects the RX and TX lines from the MAIANA connector to the Raspberry Pi. So apart from a mechanical failure it's very unlikely that the issue is caused by the MacArthur HAT.

On the hardware side, there were a few reports in the past few months, where issues were caused by a defective RJ45 cable. So maybe worth checking that side, especially if your setup worked before and was in operation and exposed to the elements for a while.

For feedback on the software side, it would be helpful to see screenshots of the relevant configuration steps. For example your settings in the Serial and MAIANA AIS app.

RE: Maiana connection - Sailoog - 2024-10-19

Hi, sorry for being missing. Follow Adrian's advice and we will work from there.

RE: Maiana connection - aitonos - 2024-11-25

(2024-10-18, 06:34 PM)Adrian Wrote:
(2024-10-16, 09:11 PM)aitonos Wrote: Any clues?


Sorry for the slow response, I hoped someone with a MAIANA would chime in.

The MacArthur HAT directly connects the RX and TX lines from the MAIANA connector to the Raspberry Pi. So apart from a mechanical failure it's very unlikely that the issue is caused by the MacArthur HAT.

On the hardware side, there were a few reports in the past few months, where issues were caused by a defective RJ45 cable. So maybe worth checking that side, especially if your setup worked before and was in operation and exposed to the elements for a while.

For feedback on the software side, it would be helpful to see screenshots of the relevant configuration steps. For example your settings in the Serial and MAIANA AIS app.

Thanks, Adrian:

I couldn't get again to the the thing. Today I did a new fresh install and I still get the same issue. I have tried with several Network cables All CAT5 and CAT5E and all same results.
  • PI5 8GB,
  • OP4 Headless, latest version downloaded today
  • Mac Arthur Hat,
  • PI5 powered through Power module 12V
  • Physical switch ON for MAIANA on Mac Arthur Hates
  • IMU and I2C boards plugged to Mac Arthur
  • Maiana board connected directly to Mac Arthur (AFAIK, no adapter needed)
I post images as required:

Sorry for the format, But the images seem to be too big.

RE: Maiana connection - aitonos - 2024-11-26

Hi, I bought brand new rj45 cat 6 1,8 m cable and same. No activity at all in signal K but GPS fix and blinking incoming Ais.

Open Cpn remains as usual, no signal. 

Would it be a defective Maiana? Please help, the other day me and friends we gave a conference and we were recommending to use maiana + mac Arthur, it would be sad not to be able as "prescriptor" 

RE: Maiana connection - JaredGil - 2024-11-30

(2024-11-26, 07:31 PM)aitonos Wrote: Hi, I bought brand new rj45 cat 6 1,8 m cable and same. No activity at all in signal K but GPS fix and blinking incoming Ais.

Open Cpn remains as usual, no signal. 

Would it be a defective Maiana? Please help, the other day me and friends we gave a conference and we were recommending to use maiana + mac Arthur, it would be sad not to be able as "prescriptor" 

I have the exact same problem, Everything was working with the maiana adaptor when I was using the raspberry without the Macarthur hat, now everything its working, I'm receiving data from AIS and also transmitting, also seeing the sailboats from AIS in OpenCPN, but I cannot configure the Maiana because I also have the same issue.