Gpio Seatalk - Printable Version

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Gpio Seatalk - Pantera - 2024-06-24

Hi everyone.

I have had a problem reading Seatalk for months. Ramdomly (once every two raspi starts) Signal k could not display seatalk deltas. Could not find problems with hardware or software.

I have discovered that restarting pigpiod solves the problem (sudo systemctl restart pigpiod).

Any suggestions to solve the problem definitely?

RE: Gpio Seatalk - baltika_no_9 - 2024-06-25

Well it won't fix the root cause but perhaps you could issue the restart command on each reboot? If you added this to crontab:

@reboot sleep 300 && sudo systemctl restart pigpiod

At each reboot the service will restart after the number of seconds you've specified (300 or 5 minutes in the example). I'll agree it isn't ideal, much better to get to the bottom of the problem, but it may work for you.

Are there any message in the system logs?