Fuel flow sensor help - Printable Version

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Fuel flow sensor help - tomigambi - 2024-07-12

Hello! I have two aichi 0F05ZAT flow sensors, i want to use them in open plotter (running on RPi 5) and SensEsp ( running on esp32), i have connected the sensors to the esp and got data on the rpi, but its just random numbers and i cant get it to work properly, does anybody have the code to use with flow sensors? Im very bad at coding and i hava already wasted more time than i wanted to. Waiting for answers! Thanks!

RE: Fuel flow sensor help - craftdead - 2024-07-23

Certainly! Here’s a concise approach:

1. Verify Connections: Ensure your Aichi 0F05ZAT flow sensors are correctly connected to your ESP32 (for SensESP) and Raspberry Pi (for OpenPlotter).

2. Code for ESP32: Write or adapt code to read analog/digital signals from the sensors. Example code might involve analogRead() for analog sensors.

3. Integration with OpenPlotter: Transmit sensor data from ESP32 to Raspberry Pi using MQTT or serial communication.

4. OpenPlotter Configuration: Configure OpenPlotter to receive and process the sensor data.

5. Testing and Debugging: Use serial debugging to troubleshoot and ensure data transmission is working correctly.

For detailed code examples or specific issues, consider consulting forums or communities related to ESP32, Raspberry Pi, and OpenPlotter.