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Raspberry Pi Connect
[EDIT:  I had missed the setting in Settings / Raspberry Settings to turn on Wayland.  Once this was turned on and RPi rebooted, the "connect" icon appears and screen sharing is enabled.]

Has anyone tried RPi Connect?  See

I have this installed and connected remotely but I only get the remote shell option, not screen sharing.  Also I don't see the "connect" icon in the system tray.

The notes say that screen sharing requires Wayland and does not work on X-Windows.  What does OpenPlotter 4 use?

I am using RPi 4 and have OpenPlotter 4 installed.

I want to access the device running on my boat while I am away.  I often use a marina wifi network for internet access so I can't open ports for other remote access.
Thanks for sharing, I wasn't aware of RPi Connect and it looks like a "must have".

By default, Wayland is disabled in OP4 because some programs like OpenCPN and even some system tools still don't work well with Wayland.

fortunately OpenCPN 5.9 will fix this.
One quick note to rpi-connect users. I tried for many hours to get this to work. Failing every time.
Then it dawned on me, the connection is authenticated through and I had my nordvpn extension running
by default. As soon as I turned this off I was able to connect and screen share.
When I got it working I am quite impressed. It seems much more stable than realvnc.


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