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Openplotter 3 64 bit - No Seatalk1, GPIO app unavailable.
It gets weirder with more trying:

So at home (testbench) it also stopped working at some point. So i went back to square one:

- uninstalled openplotter gpio
- rebooted
- installed openplotter gpio
- added seatalk1 connection
- seatlk signal gets picked up in Signalk, all good
- reboot the raspi from the menu
- seatalk stills shows up in Signalk after reboot
- switch off the raspi from the menu
- disconnect power from raspi
- restore power, raspi boots up
- NO MORE SEATALK SHOWING UP… (also not after some more rebooting, power off/on,…)


All this time, nothing on the circuit has changed, the seatlk1 device has had power the whole time.

I’m might later try a clean install of openplotter, maybe i did too much messing around…
Is this the video and the circuit you are talking about?

Try a 10K resistor instead the 4K7 recommended.
You may want to spend a few dollars/euros on a variable 0-10K resistor and change it until it works consistently. If the long wiring is acting like a resistor you may have to lower the resistance but as Sailoog says you may have to increase the resistance. You could trim until it works, then measure the resistance of the variable resistor and find a fixed value resistor to replace it. With mine, rather than adding a second 4.7K resistor inline, I removed the existing 4.7K from next to the LED and replaced it with a 10K - cleaner install
That is a good idea. I am very interested on this because maybe we should replace the 4K7 resistor in the MacArthur HAT by a variable resistor.

Seatalk1 devices wait for the idle state (+12V for at least 10/4800 seconds) of the bus to send data, if you do not use the correct resistor for your bus, you may have been forcing a "busy" state (near to 0V) unintentionally. You will notice that because your device (any Raymarine MFD) will stop sending data to the bus when using the wrong resistor.
Sorry for the late reply Sailoog, I was visiting the amazing Paisos Catalans!

So I did do a clean install of openplotter and played around a bit more.

The same issue occurred again, I have now switched to the “new” circuit discussed in your post and with the explanation of Adrian in his post. This did not help the problem so i went digging a bit more, and found a small clue:

It seems to me like there is an issue with conflicting pigpiod services/deamons.

So what happens now is the following:

1. We start halfway with a running instance of Openplotter, seatalk data coming in Signal K, all is good.
2. I do a dirty shutdown, unplug the power from the testbench, all devices lose power at the same time ( like the boat circuit being switched off by accident)
3. I power the raspi back up, openplotter goes through the selftest, all seems good (“pigpiod is running” in green, “no gpio conflicts”)
4. But, too bad, no seatalk data coming in Signalk anymore, connection is there, status on the dashboard reads “started”, but 0 deltas, nothing gets detected in the log, complete silence.
5. I run the terminal command “SUDO KILLALL PIGPIOD”
6. Signalk complains with a Traceback error message and a status marking that it will try again in minute
7. I run the terminal command “SUDO PIGPIOD”
8. After the remainder of the 1 minute waiting time marked in step 6, halleluja, it works again! Seatalk data streaming into signalk!

My conclusion is that there is a conflict between multiple instances of PIGPIOD, but i haven’t found out why or where that conflict comes from.

Any idea?


P.s. when i run SUDO PIGPIOD before i run the KILLALL command, it says it “can’t lock /var/run/ - can’t initialise pigpio library”
I hope you had a good stay!

Thanks a lot for your report, let's try to debug this.

(2023-05-13, 12:01 AM)broosmaxim Wrote: 1. We start halfway with a running instance of Openplotter, seatalk data coming in Signal K, all is good.

- Are you using the module below?

- Are you using the current wiring?


- or the new wiring? (try inverting signal and not inverting)


- What resistor are you using?

(2023-05-13, 12:01 AM)broosmaxim Wrote: 5. I run the terminal command “SUDO KILLALL PIGPIOD”
6. Signalk complains with a Traceback error message and a status marking that it will try again in minute
7. I run the terminal command “SUDO PIGPIOD”
8. After the remainder of the 1 minute waiting time marked in step 6, halleluja, it works again! Seatalk data streaming into signalk!

The correct way to start, stop and restart pigpio is this one:

sudo systemctl stop pigpiod
sudo systemctl start pigpiod
sudo systemctl restart pigpiod

I do not think there is more than 1 instance of pigpio running, maybe it just need a restart, please try this when seatalk stops working:

sudo systemctl restart pigpiod

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