2019-12-29, 04:41 PM
(2019-12-28, 02:58 PM)SkipperEarly Wrote: [OP2] Network 2.0.8 beta
- when you want to reset network to standard settings it is not possible to just re-install. uninstall asks for reboot but then headless working is not possible any more.
Uninstall and reinstall without rebooting does not reset defaults.
Also when network settings are changed then AP settings are returned to standard "openplotter" + pw 1234567 rather than keeping the already set personalisations.
Comment: wouldnt it be helpful to store all these network parameters in the openplotter.conf file? headless users could then easier recover mistakes by editing this file on the SDcard directly. - just my2cent
PS: I find RaspAP (https://github.com/billz/raspap-webgui) a rather nice tool to configure the wifi but unfortunately it does not work in combination with the OP-network, just the opposite, no networking is functional anymore when RaspAP got installed.
What are standard settings? With AP or without?
Headless working is not possible any more. That's not true.
You can work headless with:
ethernet port
client wlan if router does allow connection between two wireless connected devices
usb connection to smartphone and some tablets
In the past we did save personalisation settings for network. The problem was on every boot we had tocheck if the settings differ between openplotter.conf and network settings. The result was that if someone want's to setup his own special parameter they were always killed by openplotter.
RaspAP does work nice for some cases and we are lucky that with OP2 you aren't forced to use openplotter-network.
openplotter-network has some features which aren't solved in RaspAP.
- No bridge between AP and eth (Very important If you connect to a mfd with ethernetport. And good for notebook connections (don't use this feature if you want to connct to a router))
- No support for second usb-wifi stick as AP
- No headless feature install for iphone and Ipad
- No feature for fixed IP address for usb connected android
As we understand you. It would be nice to have a failsafe feature which starts a wifi AP when fhere is for example a file "AP" in the boot directory and all other settings will be disabled to give you access to the system with an AP.
We have to think about that.