[attachment=753 Wrote:nick.k pid='12162' dateline='1580420703']Andreas
On my existing pilot there seems to be no speed control of the motor, I have often noticed that small rudder corrections are made at full motor speed which seems to put a lot of inertial stress on the steering system as it is jerked continually left and right. Does your system allow for any speed control to ramp up and down the accelerations?
not sure what went wrong with my previous post, I intended your text to be in a quote box.
Hi Nick,
Limit Switch:
The great torque of the NECO-DRIVE (=ND) is of concern when it will go to or over the rudder limits. There are serveral aproches to prevent: First at all i mounted an interupt switch into the clutch cable installed to the cocpit near the helm to disengage the ND when erver I need !!!
Then for testing porpouses of the ND y had the chain that drives the rudder taken off.
Then I installed interrupts Limit switsche, now I have maecanical at the rudder to stopp driving when at the limit. I use this ones as I found them more reliable the the fromer reed I had (mayby because my poor istall of the reeeds)
I add a photo of the install.
The LS can be wired to the pololu or to the arduino .... I have them directly to the arduino.
An other aproach is to use your switches at the ND ..... or you use both both LS at the rudder and the ones at your ND
Other posibilities are: disengage on mesurement of stall current, Seans Driver and the arduino and the pololu will allow, an I thin also the Pololu G2, or using an rudder angle sensor to the arduino, and difine the limits in the Pypilot.
I think as closer you go to the ND-Cirquit as saver it becomes.
Mine go to the pins of the Pololu ....
Rebuild Neco Drive
I see you have the instructions of Daniel Fua, that is basicly what you need. I use the pololu wich makes it still easyer (See my wireing-scratch on my post before)
For me the advantage was that I can test the ND, the LS, and also speed settings on the Laptopp with the popolu software without the Autopilot electronics.
So on one side I have only the ND, settings and testing until it works, and on the other side I have the Pypilot electronic with the arduino, (I use LED´s green,red and yellow for the clutch to test it).
To join the ND and Pypilot later you need yust a 3 cables (Pin 9,11,Gnd) from the arduino to the ND.
Disadvantage is you need the Pololu ablut 60€, and as my setup I do not use current/voltage information consumption of power ect. .
I´m sure you can get this through the Pololu or adding sensors to the arduino. But my aproach was to have a fast solution witch works reliable and go sailing ....
You will be cheaper if you make your own driver of a H-Bridge with Mosfet´s and Daniel Fua´s instructions to take care of the Compund Motor caracteristic.
Speed setting:
As Sean stated you can set speed and inicial speed and stopping speed at the Pypilot servo settings. You also can set them at the pololu ....., I tried it with the pololu/Laptopp and speed setting of 50% and the neco reacts fine but I did not go depp into this (yet) as I´m not unhappy with the movements as you could apreciate in the videos at the posts before ...
Hope this helps, have good fun
I sent you also PM if you need direct contact ....