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2018-04-09, 06:49 PM
As you know we are working hard on OpenPlotter 1.x.x
It would be great to add a defaults file with some samples of parsing signal k data. Any volunteer?
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I would share my node red code, it is not very professional, but uses a lot of features . May be it would be good to have a look on it before giving it to so else.
Can you PN me your mail adress?
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Currently I'm quite busy but you can contact me if you need help regarding JS, HTML or CSS.
Right now I'm not running Openplotter but nodered is working on my home server.
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Hi all, sorry for the delay. We are getting closer to the new release and we would really appreciate a default flow to be included. We are focussed on other parts and you guy know more node-red than us.
Alpenskipper, could you prepare a basic version with standard features? I mean some dashboard with standard sailing data (position, course, speed...), and some example of parsing signal k data...
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My node red installation includes a lot of examples for sensors, dashboard, switches, seatalk ng import ... wich all basicaly work, but it is programed very lousy and therefore not a version that can be published.
Maybe s.o. more experienced can have a look on it before.
Where can I send the code via mail?
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I am not a node-red expert at all but I will try. Send it to info(youknowwhat)
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I recently gave up on node-red because of stability issues. It would run fine then go bonkers and then eat resources. even when run from Laptop. Concept awesome but unless it can fix memory cpu issues i can not use it.