I have a wind instrument at masthead, coming in as NMEA 0183 serial and appearing in SignalK on openplotter. However I am unable to select Wind in pypilot.
Running op 1.1 alpha with pypilot updated from github today.
Sorry, I see this in another post and will try:
You can assign serial ports to pypilot. If they have wind or gps, they will also be relayed over tcp to other programs like opencpn on port 20220. This is ideal because the autopilot gets the data with minimum latency.
You can also send the nmea data to pypilot via port 20220. So if opencpn has wind/gps already, then make a connection to tcp port 20220, and make sure it is marked for output. This will add latency to the measurement, but still works in practice.
Running op 1.1 alpha with pypilot updated from github today.
Sorry, I see this in another post and will try:
You can assign serial ports to pypilot. If they have wind or gps, they will also be relayed over tcp to other programs like opencpn on port 20220. This is ideal because the autopilot gets the data with minimum latency.
You can also send the nmea data to pypilot via port 20220. So if opencpn has wind/gps already, then make a connection to tcp port 20220, and make sure it is marked for output. This will add latency to the measurement, but still works in practice.