2020-01-20, 02:01 PM
I'm looking at the schematics here, and I have some questions:
- What is the purpose of R1 (100R) between +12V and the nano's VIN? (Getting 5V from the nano is a clever trick)
- What is the purpose of U3 (BAS4002A)?
- How is power fed to the RPi? (I can't see it on this schematic - is it via the USB port, or perhaps via pin 2 or 4 (5V)?)
- If powered by 12V, the schematic says there should be a diode between J5 pins 2 and 3. Does +12V need to be regulated, or is Vcc - Vf ok? (For example, what if Pwr+ is 14.4V?) And will the energy and/or voltage lost across the diode be worth worrying about?
- I'm guessing PWMCL is the clutch control. Is PWMCL connected to anything?
- Is there currently support for a buzzer to signal errors, or that a waypoint has been reached?