2020-06-16, 02:33 PM
After assembling my project, I'm now trying to get things working. I have a Pi 4 with the Moitessier HAT. I've been able to get everything configured, but have no GPS signal. I've been working from inside the house, so thought that might be the problem, so today I took my project outside.
It has a direct view of the sky now and has been powered up for about 1/2 hour. I purchased an external antenna, but it is not attached at the moment. Both of the green LED's are lit solid and the red is off. From the instructions, I believe I'm not receiving any GPS data. Incidentally, I also tried with the external GPS antenna and get the same results. There is also no GPS fix or GPS satellites showing in Open CPN.
What do I need to do?
After assembling my project, I'm now trying to get things working. I have a Pi 4 with the Moitessier HAT. I've been able to get everything configured, but have no GPS signal. I've been working from inside the house, so thought that might be the problem, so today I took my project outside.
It has a direct view of the sky now and has been powered up for about 1/2 hour. I purchased an external antenna, but it is not attached at the moment. Both of the green LED's are lit solid and the red is off. From the instructions, I believe I'm not receiving any GPS data. Incidentally, I also tried with the external GPS antenna and get the same results. There is also no GPS fix or GPS satellites showing in Open CPN.
What do I need to do?