Here's one if anyone is interested, nodered countdown timer, on my system it turns off clementine media player and mpc mp3 player.
Counts down in seconds, set time in minutes plus buttons to turn off and reboot the Pi >
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"name": "seconds to minutes",
"func": "if(msg.topic!=\"countdown\"){\n msg.timeout=msg.payload*60;\nreturn msg;}",
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"x": 410,
"y": 120,
"wires": [
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"z": "93bf7220.2bec2",
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"func": "var temp = msg.payload;\nvar minutes = parseInt(temp/60);\nvar seconds = temp - minutes*60;\nmsg.payload = minutes.toString() + \":\" + seconds.toString();\nvar newMsg = { payload: minutes};\nnewMsg.topic = \"countdown\";\nreturn [msg, newMsg];",
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